Water Wonderland in 2H
OUR WATER WONDERLAND Our water theme is coming alive in our classroom with our displayed artwork and writing. Last Thursday we planned and wrote a persuasive piece of writing where we needed to share our opinion on the topic : Should All Children Learn How to Swim? We published it with our snorkelling artwork! This Thursday we wrote a poem using Onomatopoeia. Onomatopoeia are words that mimic the sound of the action they refer to. The children used words that mimic the sound of water to create their poems. For example, pitter patter, splash! They then published their poem with a collage in art. Thank you to Mary Lee, Kat and Brendan for being amazing parent helpers! The children love their creations. This week, the children learnt about the Writing Process. We created a step by step chart, which provides them with a visual cue to follow during our writing sessions on Thursdays and Fridays. They have enjoyed moving th...