Week 9

Upcoming events: Cross country - wear faction shirt tomorrow please Grandparents Day - Tuesday 27th June 9.00-11.00am Dinosaur Day - Wednesday 28th June - please send in permission slips/parent helpers Teamwork We have been working on our teamwork skills in our classroom. Working together, sharing ideas and collaboratively completing tasks are helping us to become better learners in 2H. Length and Measurement in Maths This week we have begun to focus on a new topic in Mathematics - length! We will be exploring how the length of objects can be measured using uniform units. We will be developing our measurement skills and understanding of centimetres and metres. Dinosaur Day 2M and 2H are looking forward to the special Dinosaur Dress Up Day. next week on Wednesday. Please send in permission slips for the movie ASAP. We are also hoping for a few more parent volunteers for the morning from 9-11 to help assist with some fun activities....