
Showing posts from April, 2020

Term 2 Week 1 Learning Sequence

Good afternoon parents, Thank you to all those parents who have advised the school on whether their child will be attending. We have been busy over the holidays and today planning the next two weeks of learning to ensure your child receives the same education whether they be at school or at home. Please remember we are available for any extra support you may need via email or the school phone, taking into consideration some times we may not be available immediately due to providing support to children at school. Here is an electronic copy of the Term 2 Week 1 Learning Schedule that you would have found in your home learning packs. These home learning packs are still available to be collected if you have not had a chance. Please remember that this is a suggested timetable and is flexible to how your day runs. Even though we have named each activity with a day, it is flexible for when you complete them, however all activities will be removed Friday afternoon to reset new activities f...

Start of Term 2 Information

Good afternoon parents, I can't believe that we are at the beginning of Term 2! I am so thankful to have such beautiful supportive parents such as yourselves during the past month. It has certainly been a roller coaster of emotions but we are so looking forward to seeing the children back at school or in an online capacity. I hope the holidays was a time to reconnect with your families and spend time doing things we wouldn't normally do. I know my dog Monty has enjoyed all the extra walks he has been getting! Information about Term 2 As we head back into the structure of Term 2, we aim to provide a safe place for children to come to school. - All of out tasks, communication and videos will be available through Seesaw. We will release daily announcements (through the inbox function 💬). This will be our daily check in as we can see who has viewed them. Please let us know if you are having issues accessing this. - The light bulb 💡 activity section of Seesaw is where ...

Holidays and Term 2 plans

Dear Parents, I can't believe we are already at the end of Term 1, it has definitely been a term we won't forget!  Hopefully your past two weeks have not be too stressful and you have been able to enjoy some extra time with your children.   I wanted to say a big thank you to all of you for your support during these uncharted times. I have loved receiving different videos and voice messages from your child through Seesaw and it has been a great way to maintain positive relationships with each and every one of your children.   We have begun next term's planning with the decision that Seesaw will become our main communication and learning platform for the early years classes so we would appreciate a little of your time sometime over the holidays to become aware of the inbox and announcements section tab on the right hand side and as we will be posting messages each morning as a check-in or roll as it allows us to see who has viewed these. Tasks to do will be in the l...