Our Amazing Excursion and Fantastic Family Mass

Wow! What a week we have had in Year 2H! We started the week with Rainbow Sock Day to raise awareness for Down Syndrome. As well as having happy feet on this day, we also completed some counting activities with Mrs Martin and decorated our own pair of socks to make our class display. The display can help us count by twos (across the rows) or 10s (down the columns). We also started to collect Easter Egg donations for our whole school Easter Raffle in Week 10. Thank you for your generous support! Raffle Tickets were sent home during the week. Please return ticket stubs with your child’s name on them along with $1 a ticket to the office please. If you would like to purchase more tickets they are available at the office. All money raised from the raffle is added to our Project Compassion fundraising for the Term. We are continuing to collect donations for the raffle this week. Please place items in the basket in the classroom. On Wedne...