
Showing posts from March, 2017

Our Amazing Excursion and Fantastic Family Mass

Wow! What a week we have had in Year 2H! We started the week with Rainbow Sock Day to raise awareness for Down Syndrome.  As well as having happy feet on this day, we also completed some counting activities with Mrs Martin and decorated our own pair of socks to make our class display.  The display can help us count by twos (across the rows) or 10s (down the columns). We also started to collect Easter Egg donations for our whole school Easter Raffle in Week 10.  Thank you for your generous support! Raffle Tickets were sent home during the week.  Please return ticket stubs with your child’s name on them along with $1 a ticket to the office please.  If you would like to purchase more tickets they are available at the office.  All money raised from the raffle is added to our Project Compassion fundraising for the Term. We are continuing to collect donations for the raffle this week.  Please place items in the basket in the classroom. On Wedne...


As part of our water theme, Year 2 have an exciting learning experience to look forward to this week! On Wednesday, the 22nd of March, both Year Two classes (2M and 2H) will be going on an excursion to the Busselton Underwater Observatory.  We will be leaving school at 9 a.m. and returning before the end of the school day. The children will need to bring their morning tea and lunch with them in a paper or plastic bag with their name clearly marked on it please. We will need 4 parent helpers from each class so if you are available and happy to pay your own way ($25) I would love to hear from you A.S.A.P.  You will need to meet us at the Busselton Jetty at 9.40a.m. and will be required to remain with us until we catch the bus back to school at 2:00p.m. A permission note was given to the children on Friday with all of the above information.   Please send this back on Monday or Tuesday.   Not only will our excursion provide the children with an underwat...

Warm Welcomes, Writing Goals and Wet Weather Paintings!

Last week in 2H we welcomed a new friend, Taya.  The whole class displayed our school value of Compassion to help Taya settle in and should feel proud of their kindess and care. Congratulations also goes to our award winners last week, Emily and Matilda. In 2H the children have been working hard on building the skills to help the them achieve their writing goals.  Each child is encouraged to be proud of the goal they are working on and not compare themselves to other children, as throughout the year, some goals will be easier to master than others.   When they can show in their writing three times that they can do their writing skill from their goal, they will receive a new goal.  We are all working on different goals as our writing development is progressing at different stages.     Your child's current goal is on display in the classroom.    In spelling we have been continuing to learn about compound words....