Dear Parents, 
This week is our third week of homework routines.  
This post is aimed at making expectations clearer for you and your child.

In Year 2, there are three homework tasks to complete:

Each Monday afternoon (or Tuesday for this week and next) your child should bring home their blue pocket folder with their words for the week cut up and placed in pocket 1. 

Your child needs to practise spelling these words each night, either orally or by writing them down. If correct, they move the words to the next pocket which represents Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (so this week and next, due to the Monday public holiday and pupil free day, they only need to complete up to pocket three). On the Thursday night, any word that is not in the final pocket requires further focus, as your child will be tested in class on Friday. 

The folder can remain at home for the entire week but needs to be returned each Monday so new words can be added. On Monday morning, the previous week's words will be taken out and placed in a zip lock bag in your child's tray, ready for revision later in the term. 

The Think Mental Maths book needs to come home each night to complete a column a day: Day 1- Monday, Day 2- Tuesday etc. 

If your child has a busy after school schedule on a particular day, you may choose to complete two columns on the one night.  It is up to you how you spread out the four columns, however, we don't recommend leaving all four columns for the Thursday night. We would still like your child to be in the routine of handing their books in each morning for us to sign and keep check of their progress. 
Please do not do Day 5- Friday at home as this is done in class as an assessment each week. 
Thank you to the parents that are marking the Mental Maths. It is great to give your child immediate feedback or assistance where required.

Finally your child should be reading for 5-10 minutes each night. 
This may be your child's levelled reader or their comprehension pack book.
Thank you for your support in the mornings for scanning your child's levelled reader in and out.  As some of the readers are longer than others, it is not expected your child swaps each day, just as they complete their book.
Comprehension packs must be returned each Wednesday, although may be returned as soon as your child finishes reading the book and verbally answering the questions with you. 

The comprehension pack system relies on all children returning their books by the Wednesday morning. If your child did not read the book, it still must be returned as our librarian changes all of the packs and does not have any spares if one is forgotten. 
Some of the stories in the packs might be too difficult for your child to read so please make this a special time that you can read with your child to model correct reading skills/comprehension and to promote a love of reading!

Congratulations to Charlie and Georgia for being our first Star Citizen's in Year 2H! They were very proud to earn their badges by displaying our school value of Compassion in the first 5 weeks of school!
Have a great week and if you still have any questions regarding the homework please do not hesitate to contact us.  With good routines beginning now your child will become much quicker at doing their homework and a lot more independent by the end of Year Two.

Kathy Holt and Kristy Hunt

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