
Showing posts from May, 2017

Welcome to Week 6

Dear Parents We are delighted to showcase a small window into our classroom learning this term within our assembly item next Friday 9th June. Costumes Each child will need to come to school dressed in a set of winter pajamas along with slippers or ugg boots on their feet. As children will be getting changed into their school uniform immediately following the assembly it would be most appreciated if you could send your child's school uniform in a clearly labelled plastic bag. Practice The majority of practice will be undertaken in class. However, if your child has a particular speaking part they will be bringing home their lines to practice. It would be most appreciated if you could assist with fluency and confidence. Friendology Our friendology program and classes will begin this Friday. As part of this exciting program students will be using a familiar soft toy for role play components. If all students could please bring to school a small soft toy. It is preferable th...

Welcome to Week 5

Good Evening Wonderful 2H Parents Homework Folders Thank you for the helpful homework folders. Wow what a difference these have made for the efficiency of our classroom routines and your child.  We do hope that you are experiencing the benefits on the home front.  Supplementary Mathematics Material You may have noticed your son or daughter has an additional Mathematics package within their homework folder? Within class over the next 3 weeks our Mathematics teaching, activities and learning will be focussed around fractions and time. As such, we have provided additional material to be utilised by yourselves and your child at home, should you so wish .  Please note this may be utilised by yourselves as additional practice and support for your child if you feel this may be beneficial (or they need a confidence boost), by an external tutor if this is applicable or as an extension activity. Alternatively, with the cold weather setting upon us and flu season beginn...

Wow.... Week 4 already....

Good Morning to our wonderful parents of 2H What a delight it has been to welcome your children back into term 2 and witness the excitement and growth in their learning over the last 4 weeks.  Introduction of a Reading Log In order to promote reading and independence within our students we will be introducing a Home Reading Log. This will be utilised to enable your child to record in writing what exciting books they have been reading at home each night. This practice will allow us as teachers to identify what book choices your child is making, interests they may hold and generate positive insightful dialogue surrounding literacy.  It would be most appreciated if you could assist your child to complete the book title and the number of pages read each night. We will then have a look at the reading log entry throughout the school day and have a little chat with your child about the exciting books they are reading.  Homework Folder In order to better facilita...