Wow.... Week 4 already....
Good Morning to our wonderful parents of 2H
What a delight it has been to welcome your children back into term 2 and witness the excitement and growth in their learning over the last 4 weeks.
Introduction of a Reading Log
In order to promote reading and independence within our students we will be introducing a Home Reading Log. This will be utilised to enable your child to record in writing what exciting books they have been reading at home each night. This practice will allow us as teachers to identify what book choices your child is making, interests they may hold and generate positive insightful dialogue surrounding literacy. It would be most appreciated if you could assist your child to complete the book title and the number of pages read each night. We will then have a look at the reading log entry throughout the school day and have a little chat with your child about the exciting books they are reading.
Homework Folder
In order to better facilitate our reading log initiative and homework routines in general whilst ensuring that homework and parent notes are not left behind at school we would be appreciative if you could supply your child with a plastic homework folder. The plastic homework folder utilised by your son or daughter last year in year one is perfect (if you still have it)? However, if it has seen better days or gone missing then something of a similar style would be great. We will utilise the homework folder each day. On a Monday the spelling blue pocket folder will be placed inside with your child's new words along with the maths homework text and your child's selected home reading book. Each day we will ask the students to place their homework folder in a "basket" at the entry of our classroom. We can then ensure that all homework contents are not finding their way to big draws and that all notes home have a place to be transported. Furthermore, we can provide the necessary praise for homework completion that is imperative for positive learning habits to develop.
Matheletics & Reading Eggs - Ear Phone Buds
To facilitate our use of matheletics and Reading Eggs, we would be happy for you to supply a set of ear phone buds, placed in a plastic snap lock bag and clearly labelled with your child's name. Some students become distracted during their learning by sound. As such, if you feel your child would benefit from less surrounding noise distractions we warmly welcome a set of ear phones. To safe guard such a purchase, the ear phone buds will be stored in your child's big draw and sent home at the end of the year. We believe individual ear phones are better from a hygiene perspective as oppose to a class set that are shared among students.
Our Mathematics Learning
Over the last few weeks we have enjoyed numerous rich learning tasks to extend and develop our understanding of place value. We now know that each digit within a number holds a different value (eg thousand, hundreds, tens and ones). We can also show numbers in words, digits, blocks and expanded forms. We have culminated our place value learning by constructing a place value octopus. These are displayed at the back of our room and we would love you to see our hard work. Wow.... the growth has been inspirational!!! We do love numbers!
We have also been learning about data and how it can be organised and recorded in a tallied table. You may have noticed survey questions in the mornings? This information assisted identifying our favourite things. We have learnt how to present data in a bar graph. This week we have taken our mathematics lesson "outdoors" to answer our predictions about the most common car colours that travel past our school. Guess which colour was the most common?
Our English Learning
In English we have been learning about what a text is and that authors write texts for different purposes. We utilise the acronym PIE to help us remember the three purposes for a written text: to persuade, to inform and to entertain. We have loved reading and writing texts that entertain: narrative stories, poems and imaginative letters.
We have also been immersing our reading abilities with daily guided reading sessions. Our decoding skills, that is how we sound out an unknown word using our phonic or sound knowledge (c-a-t) and our reading comprehension skills, which enable us to completely understand the words that we are reading and gain knowledge from reading, is really taking off. The excitement and improvement occurring is incredible!
Our assembly date has been changed to the end of week seven. We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause from the delay. You will receive some very exciting information home in notes early next week about our upcoming performance. We certainly are budding actors and actresses. We can't wait to see all our shining stars on stage in a couple of weeks!
We sincerely wish to extend our heartfelt appreciation to each of our wonderful mums and dads of year 2H. The honour and privilege to teach your child is an absolute blessing for us as educators. We look forward to sharing the educational journey and growth developed with yourselves and your child throughout the year.
May God bless each of you and your families.
Kindest Regards
Mrs Kristy Hunt & Mrs Penny King