Term 4 Week 3

Term 4!!!! Upcoming events: Friday 27th October 12:15pm : Year 2 Friendology luncheon Sunday 5th November 9am: Year 4 Eucharist Thursday 9th November: Book Week Dress Up Day Friendology Lunch: Dear Parents, we are pleased to be holding a shared Friendology luncheon between 2H and 2M on Friday 27th October (Week 3) to celebrate our learning gained within our Friendology programme. The children unanimously decided that they would like an shared luncheon to further develop the friendships they have with children from both classes. We look forward to this special celebration. We would like each child to bring a small plate of food to share. If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies could you please prepare a separate plate for them to enjoy on the day. Our shared luncheon will commence at 12.15. Thanking you in advance, Kind regards, Paula, Kristy and Penny English: The first few weeks of this term we have focused on writing narratives ...