Term 4 Week 3

Term 4!!!!
Upcoming events:
Friday 27th October 12:15pm : Year 2 Friendology luncheon
Sunday 5th November 9am: Year 4 Eucharist
Thursday 9th November: Book Week Dress Up Day

Friendology Lunch:
Dear Parents, we are pleased to be holding a shared Friendology luncheon between 2H and 2M on Friday 27th October (Week 3) to celebrate our learning gained within our Friendology programme. The children unanimously decided that they would like an shared luncheon to further develop the friendships they have with children from both classes. We look forward to this special celebration.

We would like each child to bring a small plate of food to share. If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies could you please prepare a separate plate for them to enjoy on the day. Our shared luncheon will commence at 12.15.
Thanking you in advance,
Kind regards,
Paula, Kristy and Penny

English: The first few weeks of this term we have focused on writing narratives with descriptive words and using punctuation to help our readers understand character dialogue and speaking.  We have also been studying grammar features and sentence structures of published authors and 'magpie-ing' their ideas to help us be even better writers.  We are also learning how to edit and peer-edit our writing.  Look at us share, help and celebrate our writing with our writing buddies last week!  We will share some of our favourite stories we have written soon on Seesaw!

Next week we begin to focus on reading and writing information report texts and using paragraphs to organise our facts and help the reader to follow and find our information.

Maths: This term we have learnt about reading maps, following directions and using directional language to locate position.  We have also learnt how to read a grid using co-ordinates and finished off our week with a game of battleship.
The next fortnight we will continue learning about 2D and 3D shapes and shape vocabulary such as sides, vertices, faces and nets.

Our theme for this term is Simple Machines. We will design, create and build our own simple machines during our Science lessons.  Last week we conducted an experiment to see what it would be like in Space working with a simple machine. Firstly, the children had to undo a nut and bolt using their bare hands and then redo it again.  Secondly, they needed to put on some rubber gloves and undo and redo the nut and bolt.  Thirdly, they had to keep the nut and bolt under the water with their gloves on and then without their gloves. They were surprised by the results and took the experiment very seriously.  We changed one variable each time so that our results could be compared and were accurate.
Mrs Murphy

Earbuds/Headphones: It would be appreciated if students could bring back to school a pair of earbuds/headphones (headphones seem to be preferred among our class members) as we are now using the Reading Eggspress app in our reading groups a few times a week. Reading Eggspress lessons include more aspects of listening and some of our students are finding it difficult to maintain focus when rhe noise of several ipads can be heard around them.  Students are more than welcome to do additional Reading Eggspress lessons and books at home as well - it is the same login and password as Reading Eggs.

Thank you for your continued support.
God Bless
Kristy and Penny 

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