Term 2 Week 9

BUSSELTON JETTY INCURSION Last fortnight we had an amazing and informative incursion with some people from the Busselton Jetty. We learnt all about the history of the jetty, the current pests and Toredo worms that they are working to remove to save the coral and the issue with litter in Geographe Bay. LENGTH AND AREA We have had an exciting two weeks learning all about length and area. We have explored what a centimetre is and what a metre is. We discovered you can find the lengths of things using different measuring tools, such as rulers and feet. We explored that if we measured in feet that everyone’s answer would be different because we all have a different foot size. We were introduced to a Trundle Wheel and were amazed at how easily it can measure long distances. We had a very good think and estimated the length of our classroom and the length to the office. We showed great teamwork as we all worked together using the Trundle Wh...