Week 6 Term 2
We had an absolute blast on Friday putting our very own animals together! Year 2K certainly know how to make a good mess! Our room was covered with glue, sticky tape, cardboard rolls, boxes, feathers, craft materials - you name it, we had it out! This was a part of our science and design technology learning units for this term.
We are so very grateful to the MANY parent helpers who took the time out of their day to join us in the classroom to help us attach various body parts and discuss design options with the materials that were on offer. A big thank you to these parent helpers and all of the parents who organised their children with bags of recycled materials that were put to very good use! At the end of the day, the children used sticky labels to list three key features (body parts) of their animals and not one of them forgot to take their creations home!
Another great event last week was the Insect Man incursion on Tuesday. 2K was able to spend over an hour meeting Phil and his amazing bugs. He explained the life cycle of different insects and how they grow, change and reproduce. We also acted out the growing and changing cycle of a Gum Moth. We were also lucky enough to have a bonus 15 min to answer our many questions! We learnt a lot of new words like exoskeleton, transformation, metamorphosis and the students had an opportunity to explore these amazing creatures. This incursion was perfect timing as we are learning about animal life cycles in science.
With the short week this week we will not be sending the Spelling LCWC pads as a new list of phonic sounds will start again on Monday. We ask that your child just does their ten minutes reading aloud each night to you and completing all of Unit 15 of Targeting Mental Maths this week.
SICKNESS - Should I send my child to school?
Winter is a time of many sicknesses and within an early childhood classroom they spread like wildfire. Please have a look at the following information regarding when to keep your child home. A number of students were sent home from classes at OLC today feeling unwell as there is some awful tummy bugs spreading around at the moment.

Thank you for your continued support and assistance,
Penny and Kristy
We had an absolute blast on Friday putting our very own animals together! Year 2K certainly know how to make a good mess! Our room was covered with glue, sticky tape, cardboard rolls, boxes, feathers, craft materials - you name it, we had it out! This was a part of our science and design technology learning units for this term.
We are so very grateful to the MANY parent helpers who took the time out of their day to join us in the classroom to help us attach various body parts and discuss design options with the materials that were on offer. A big thank you to these parent helpers and all of the parents who organised their children with bags of recycled materials that were put to very good use! At the end of the day, the children used sticky labels to list three key features (body parts) of their animals and not one of them forgot to take their creations home!
Another great event last week was the Insect Man incursion on Tuesday. 2K was able to spend over an hour meeting Phil and his amazing bugs. He explained the life cycle of different insects and how they grow, change and reproduce. We also acted out the growing and changing cycle of a Gum Moth. We were also lucky enough to have a bonus 15 min to answer our many questions! We learnt a lot of new words like exoskeleton, transformation, metamorphosis and the students had an opportunity to explore these amazing creatures. This incursion was perfect timing as we are learning about animal life cycles in science.
With the short week this week we will not be sending the Spelling LCWC pads as a new list of phonic sounds will start again on Monday. We ask that your child just does their ten minutes reading aloud each night to you and completing all of Unit 15 of Targeting Mental Maths this week.
SICKNESS - Should I send my child to school?
Winter is a time of many sicknesses and within an early childhood classroom they spread like wildfire. Please have a look at the following information regarding when to keep your child home. A number of students were sent home from classes at OLC today feeling unwell as there is some awful tummy bugs spreading around at the moment.
Thank you for your continued support and assistance,
Penny and Kristy