Week 6 Term 4

I can't believe it is Week 6 already. Where has the time gone? Just a few reminders for upcoming events... VINNIES CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL PLEASE HELP! Each year at OLC, we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. There are boxes in our classroom for your donations. Each year level is to donate particular things. PP, Yrs 1& 2: Tinned food, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas). FIRE DRILL 26TH NOVEMBER 2:30PM This drill is for all students, parents and staff at OLC We ask that all parents collect, or organise to have their children collected by another parent/adult/guardian, from their child's classroom , once you receive a Bush Fire Emergency SMS from the school at approximately 2:20pm. Please do not collect your children prior to receiving the ...