Excursion Information

Please find below the information about our upcoming excursion. This information, along with a permission slip will be sent home with your child today. Please return as soon as possible. 

Year 2 Excursion - Busselton Jetty
This term in HASS we have been learning about significant people and places in the local community. We have focused on the significance of Grace Bussell and the SS Georgette shipwreck at Redgate Beach. The Year Two students will be visiting Busselton Jetty. Here the children will investigate and examine significant local artefacts. They will become familiar with the importance of Busselton Jetty and its history. They will be guided through an engaging presentation which tells the history.

Both Year Two classes will be travelling to Busselton Jetty on Tuesday the 12th of November at 8:45am and returning to school at approximately 2:00pm.  Please ensure you are at school by 8:30 on Tuesday as we are on a tight schedule.

We require one parent helper per class. So, if you would like to join us, please let us know as soon as possible by filling out the form below. Parent helpers will need to meet us at Busselton Jetty at approximately 9:20am, as the bus will be fully occupied.

We are asking that the children come dressed in their full sport school uniform. We also request that your children bring a small recyclable bag with their lunch and drink bottle inside with their name somewhere on the bag. 

Please complete the permission slip below and return it by Monday 11th November.

Kind Regards, Miss McFarlane, Mrs King & Mrs Hunt    

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