Week 3 Term 3
Week 3 - Term 3 Well here we are - nearly at the end of our third week back! The team in 1/2K have been working hard in all subject areas and are definitely deserving their weekend breaks to recuperate and coming in each Monday with enthusiasm and raring to go again! This week we have continued to work on persuasive text writing, learning about the v and ve spelling words and rules, parts of speech and grammar to learn about adjectives, sound swaps in spelling, reading passages and answering comprehension questions with full sentences and not fragment answers, learning about division and sharing and how it relates to what we know about repeated addition and multiplication, weather and day/night changes, natural resources on planet each and in digital technology learning about hardware and software - and this isn't even all of it! Phew! Merit award winner Congratulations to Manoa who was the merit award winner for last week. It was lovely to have this award rea...