End of Term 2
Good evening parents,
After a very interesting start to the term we are nearly there and ready for our holiday break! Online learning and COVID shutdown feels so long ago - but here we are still standing (just!) I am so proud of how well the students have coped with a term with so many different events and routine changes each week.
School Holiday work
Some parents have requested some additional work for their child to complete over the holidays. Please note that this is not compulsory and has been shared for anyone else that wants to help their child review concepts that have been taught over the semester. Included in this are spelling lists from Term 2, a maths revision booklet and a writing prompt for each genre studied.
Please click on the link below to access these documents.
Please Click Here for Holiday Revision
Reports - you should have received an email from the school via seqta with instructions how to set up to receive the electronic version of the Semester 1 Reports. Please contact the school if you have trouble setting up an account. Reports should be available to read on Friday afternoon. A reminder that these reports will look different to previous 'traditional' reports in Year 1 and 2 due to government and CEWA directives related to COVID. Please feel free to contact me via email if you wish to meet next term in regards to your child's progress or email if you any questions at all.
Free dress
This Friday 3rd July there is free dress for Leeuwin.
Star Citizen Winner
Congratulations to Jed who was our week 9 Star Citizen Award winner! You show our school value of appreciation every day!
Please note that there will be no home readers sent home today and for the remainder of the week so the library can do a stock take. We will keep the red reading folders at school over the holidays. If you have any home readers or library books at home please send them in asap.
Just a reminder that homework is due this Friday 3rd July. If your child is not here, please feel free to send their homework book in earlier. We will be testing students on their ir, ur, er spelling word list on Friday.
Cross Country
Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Cross Country today. It was wonderful to see the OLC sportsmanship and students trying their best! Congratulations to Jett and Emme in 2M and James C and Hazel for winning the champion first place in their year levels.

Have a great holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3 😀
Thank you so much for all of your support.
Penny and Gemma
After a very interesting start to the term we are nearly there and ready for our holiday break! Online learning and COVID shutdown feels so long ago - but here we are still standing (just!) I am so proud of how well the students have coped with a term with so many different events and routine changes each week.
School Holiday work
Some parents have requested some additional work for their child to complete over the holidays. Please note that this is not compulsory and has been shared for anyone else that wants to help their child review concepts that have been taught over the semester. Included in this are spelling lists from Term 2, a maths revision booklet and a writing prompt for each genre studied.
Please click on the link below to access these documents.
Please Click Here for Holiday Revision
Reports - you should have received an email from the school via seqta with instructions how to set up to receive the electronic version of the Semester 1 Reports. Please contact the school if you have trouble setting up an account. Reports should be available to read on Friday afternoon. A reminder that these reports will look different to previous 'traditional' reports in Year 1 and 2 due to government and CEWA directives related to COVID. Please feel free to contact me via email if you wish to meet next term in regards to your child's progress or email if you any questions at all.
Free dress
This Friday 3rd July there is free dress for Leeuwin.
Star Citizen Winner
Congratulations to Jed who was our week 9 Star Citizen Award winner! You show our school value of appreciation every day!
Please note that there will be no home readers sent home today and for the remainder of the week so the library can do a stock take. We will keep the red reading folders at school over the holidays. If you have any home readers or library books at home please send them in asap.
Just a reminder that homework is due this Friday 3rd July. If your child is not here, please feel free to send their homework book in earlier. We will be testing students on their ir, ur, er spelling word list on Friday.
Cross Country
Congratulations to all the children who participated in the Cross Country today. It was wonderful to see the OLC sportsmanship and students trying their best! Congratulations to Jett and Emme in 2M and James C and Hazel for winning the champion first place in their year levels.

Have a great holidays and we look forward to seeing you all in Term 3 😀
Thank you so much for all of your support.
Penny and Gemma