Homework Term 2

Welcome back to Term 2! We hope you had a lovely holiday with family and friends.  This term our learning focus areas will include:
English -  narratives and poetry in writing and reading, author's purpose, comprehension strategies and vocabulary study in reading, different parts of speech, dialogue punctuation, commas and apostrophes in grammar.
Mathematics - addition and subtraction operations and fact families, counting different collections of coins and notes and calculating change, measuring length, area and capacity and chance language and probability.  
Science - chemical science, mixtures, solids, liquids and changing substances.
HASS - History ANZAC day, Indigenous studies.
Religion - Joining in the Lord's Meal (Eucharist), Beautiful World, Beautiful Me
Social/Emotional - Keeping Safe and Friendology (combined lessons with 2T) 

A little reminder for homework routines for this term in 2K after our holiday break:

Reading: It is imperative students read every night.  It is encouraged for all children to read aloud to an adult for at least ten minutes.  We value exposure to variety of books to maintain an interest in reading and diversity in vocabulary.  Therefore, we encourage a mixture of home and library books and school take-home readers.  Please ensure your sign the reading log every night and your child writes in their book title every morning in their RED reading log as a part of their morning gathering time activity. 
We also encourage students to develop their comprehension skills by reading and answering the questions in the online Reading Express library books  (the Reading Express or Library part of the Reading Eggs app and same login/password that is taped inside the RED folder).  Please feel free to see us if you have any questions about using the Reading Express app at home. 

Mathematics: 2K is currently up to Unit 11 in the Think Mentals book and we will begin Unit 12 next week.  A reminder that the Year 2 Think Mentals is a 32 Unit text that contains a mixture and varied mental maths skills and it does not directly align with the fortnightly focus mathematics topics which we are teaching in our daily mathematics lessons and differentiated group activities that caters for all the abilities within our classroom.  We encourage you to mark the work alongside your child each night and provide them with feedback as you go.  This term we will continue completing Day 5 (greyed section) of each Unit in class on Fridays and the teacher will mark it and review the unit.  

Tomorrow your child will also be bringing home a Year 2 Mathletics booklet that provides extra activities on Year 2 addition and subtraction, which is our class' current focus in Mathematics for the next two weeks.  This booklet is provided as an optional extra to assist you and your child should you wish. Please feel free to return it to school when it is completed so we can celebrate the wonderful learning journey your child is accomplishing.  There is also the option to supplement your child's mathematics homework with the Mathletics app using their logon name and password which can be found taped inside your child's Think Mentals book.  Within Mathletics app your child may choose to complete set tasks we have assigned to them that relate to the fortnightly maths focus topic or they may complete the Mathletics Live challenge to develop their mental maths skills.  

Spelling: In alignment with Year 2 English curriculum, spelling focus moves from having a bank of known sight words towards the attainment and growth of English phonics understanding (letter combinations, patterns and sounds) to help them sound out and spell unknown words, hence the move from sight words to PLD phonic spelling lists for homework for most students in Year 2.  
Each Monday, your child glues in their new phonic spelling list of words to learn in their blue Look, Cover, Write and Check booklet.  Please aim for child to look at their word, cover, write and mark their words most nights Monday to Thursday.  We also encourage you to spend some time discussing each word's meaning and using them in sentences.  We will continue this term to test your child every Friday in class on their ability to spell their weekly phonic spelling list and also track their spelling progress at the end of each term.  If your child leaves their blue booklet at home on a Monday, they will bring home the list in their homework folder for them to glue in at home.  Please let us know if you require a new blue LCWC booklet.  

Please feel free to ask us any questions in regards to homework or your child's learning.  We thank you for your continued support and assistance.  
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy  

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