Term 3 Week 6

Week 6
Upcoming events:
Thursday 24th August: SCHOOL PHOTOS – Please wear winter dress uniform (no tights) and bring along white sports shoes and socks to change into (full sports wear is not required for our class). 

Next Friday 1st September: 2H PRAYER ASSEMBLY

Mathematics: Last week we were focusing on subtraction and learning how to organise sums into vertical arrangement (columns of tens and ones).  We have also been using number grids and number lines to solve subtraction sums.  Today some of us even learnt how to regroup, borrowing tens and bringing them into the ones/units column when there wasn’t enough.  Some fun acting out pizza shop scenarios was had! We will be learning about money next week, combining our knowledge about skip counting, addition and subtraction operations to make different amounts and solve money problems. 

English: We have been focusing on our comprehension of texts, answering different types of questions and searching (skimming and scanning) the text for keywords in the question to help find the answers.  We are enjoying using highlighters to locate our answers too!  We are also continuing to be on the look out for interesting and unknown words to help build our vocabulary.  Don’t forget during your next classroom visit to look at our ever-growing Magpie word wall for words we have used in our writing.  We have ‘magpied’ these WOW words because they have been sneakily stolen from other authors to help our writing be even better for our readers. 

Parent Help: A parent help roster for help in Mathematics lessons is on the wooden cubbies next to the parent communication/pickup bus book.  Help is always welcome!  Please feel free to email us with suitable dates if you are not able to write your name on the roster in the mornings. 

Seesaw: we now have 24 connected families that are able to view their child’s learning journals! The students love sharing their work with you and noticing your likes and comments. It is also a great way to share a little of our learning that happens in our classrooms. Any feedback on the use of seesaw as a parent would be welcomed as it is the first time I have used it.  Please see Mrs King if you are having difficulty starting access to your child’s seesaw learning journal.  

If anyone has any donations of lemons, they would greatly appreciated - as many as possible as it's for a secret upcoming gift...;)

As always, thank you for your continued support.
God Bless.
Penny and Kristy

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