Term 4 Week 7
Upcoming Events
Friday 1st December - Orientation morning to Year Three
Friday 1st December - Boardies Day fundraiser for Smiths Beach SLSC - gold coin donation
Last week we began our new genre focus on letters. We have enjoyed writing informal letters to family and friends and learning the differences between formal letters, friendly letters and notes. Today we wrote a letter to Father Ian to ask some questions about church and requesting a visit in the near future to learn more about our parish and our Catholic religion. You may also see a few letters to Santa appearing soon!
Maths and Visual Arts
The last few weeks have been very busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes and transformations of shapes using flips, slides and turns. We have also investigated symmetry and tessellations in our world. We have also been looking at how mathematics can be seen in so many pieces of art in nature and that made by humans. We have loved looking at symmetrical animals, objects and architecture. We enjoyed some papercraft to create some symmetrical name monsters - if you look carefully you will see our names hiding in the bodies! We have also applied our knowledge about mapping, grids positions and location learnt a few weeks ago to make some awesome treasure maps with grid coordinates, paths and of course some buried treasure!!! Last Friday we looked at some amazing art by artist and mathematician MC Escher. We looked at some incredible pieces and discussed our favourites and why. Some lovely Escher tessellating warm and cool coloured lizards will be appearing on our wall soon.
Last week we wrote cards to the residents in the Baptist Care Nursing Home. They were made with love by our students for our local elderly and these heartwarming cards alongside communion this week. The students selected uplifting bible passages, illustrations and a bookmark with a communion representation. We are so proud of the effort and care 2H took to make something that hopefully would brighten their day.
Friday 1st December - Orientation morning to Year Three
Friday 1st December - Boardies Day fundraiser for Smiths Beach SLSC - gold coin donation
Last week we began our new genre focus on letters. We have enjoyed writing informal letters to family and friends and learning the differences between formal letters, friendly letters and notes. Today we wrote a letter to Father Ian to ask some questions about church and requesting a visit in the near future to learn more about our parish and our Catholic religion. You may also see a few letters to Santa appearing soon!
Maths and Visual Arts
The last few weeks have been very busy learning about 2D and 3D shapes and transformations of shapes using flips, slides and turns. We have also investigated symmetry and tessellations in our world. We have also been looking at how mathematics can be seen in so many pieces of art in nature and that made by humans. We have loved looking at symmetrical animals, objects and architecture. We enjoyed some papercraft to create some symmetrical name monsters - if you look carefully you will see our names hiding in the bodies! We have also applied our knowledge about mapping, grids positions and location learnt a few weeks ago to make some awesome treasure maps with grid coordinates, paths and of course some buried treasure!!! Last Friday we looked at some amazing art by artist and mathematician MC Escher. We looked at some incredible pieces and discussed our favourites and why. Some lovely Escher tessellating warm and cool coloured lizards will be appearing on our wall soon.
Last week we wrote cards to the residents in the Baptist Care Nursing Home. They were made with love by our students for our local elderly and these heartwarming cards alongside communion this week. The students selected uplifting bible passages, illustrations and a bookmark with a communion representation. We are so proud of the effort and care 2H took to make something that hopefully would brighten their day.
Homework and Sight Words
Mental Maths Units should now be completed. If your child has missed some units you are welcome to spend the next few weeks completing a few sections at a time. Phonic spelling lists will continue.
Please ensure your child is reading every night. It is still important for your child to read aloud to you a few pages even from chapter books to ensure they are practising their oral fluency and recognising phrases, punctuation and new vocabulary. I have encouraged many students to find a mini-notepad and write down interesting words that they come across to discuss with you to build their vocabulary and become even better readers and writers.
We have completed our PLD sight word program for the year and the students have made their own sight words bundle last week. They enjoyed making and carefully writing 15 special sight words they will practise for homework and during school for the remaining weeks. You may notice some of these words would have appeared in their sight words list in the past, however these sight words have been specifically selected from their writing this term. It is important for your child to practise spelling these personalised sight words for the next few weeks to ensure that these words are spelled correctly in their everyday writing as well as in testing situations. There is a list of the Year 1, 2 and 3 PLD sight words on the back of their desk mat that your child will be taking home at the end of the year should you wish to have access to the words over the holiday break.
A little thank you to those parents who have written little comments about their child's learning through seesaw. I love seeing their faces when they go to into their Seesaw folders and see that their work has been viewed and delight in seeing their parents comments. Your children love to share with you a little of the learning and fun that we have in 2H.
Again, many thanks for your continued support.
Penny King and Kristy Hunt.