Week 4 Term 2

Week 4 Term Two

YEAR 2 Family Mass Year 2 families at Our Lady of Southern Cross church is on this Saturday.  Mass begins at 6pm.  The P&F will also provide a light supper of some pizza afterwards. 
Book Fair  is on Wednesday and Thursday in the OLC library from 8-9 am and 3.30 to 4.30.  Please see the flyer and latest newsletter for more details. 

Last week was full of learning - addition and subtraction operation strategies, reading and writing narratives, history in terms of past and present technologies and inventions, descriptive and exciting adjectives and verbs and mixtures in both science and visual arts!  We even have a shop set up outside now and are sharing ideas with Mrs Knezevic how we can create our own 2K mini-market that we can play and learn in.  We can't wait to continue our learning this week in all of these areas. Have a look at our learning intention board next to the whiteboard to see all of our learning area topics and vocabulary. 

SPELLING: This week we will begin our new PLD spelling group cycle with mixed groups from Year 1 to 3 to provide our students with explicit spelling teaching and concepts that caters for their individual abilities and needs.  The placement of your child has been based upon a combination of their Friday weekly phonic tests and a comprehensive spelling test conducted on Thursday.  Your child will continue to bring home their PLC phonic spelling list each Monday afternoon glued in their blue LCWC book (or homework folder if it's left at home) and we encourage your child to say the phonic sound of each word aloud using their sound fist and recording the amount of sounds in addition to writing each list of words several nights a week.  This helps your child to learn the focus phonic sound and how words are combinations of sounds rather than just learning how each whole word looks.  Please feel free to have a chat with us if you have any questions about your child's spelling or the Junior Primary PLC spelling program at OLC. 

FRIENDOLOGY: As you are aware, we are focusing on this program during Term 2. Last week we are reviewed the Friend-o-metre which looks at healthy and unhealthy relationships. Students have also been made aware of the 4 friendship facts which are:
1. No Friendship is Perfect
2. Every Friendship is Different
3. Trust and Respect are the two most Important Qualities of a friendship
4. Friendships Change and that's OK.
Together with 2T we have unpacked these, provided examples and let the children discuss and ask questions in a safe and inclusive way.
This week we will be looking at Friendship Fires and how to deal with them, specifically- quick come backs.

HOCKEY CLINIC: Smarter than Smoking
Over the last couple of weeks students have been participating in the Smarter then Smoking Hockey Clinics with Mrs Carter. This was a fantastic opportunity for our students. Students learnt about the smarter than smoking message, skill development, team skills, leadership opportunities and for some, exposure to a new sport. The children loved this clinic! 

We thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy

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