Term 2 Week 10

Wow! We have nearly completed another amazing term in 2K!  There has been so much learning and growth - I am so very proud of every member our class who have put in so much effort and dedication to their learning this term.  It has been such a busy term and when I reflect on all of the topics and concepts we have learnt over the last twenty weeks this year, I am truly amazed by the students persistence and positive attitude they bring to school each morning.  You may have heard that our reward system for this term by following our class rules and showing consideration, care and kindness for others has been earning 'popcorn kernels'.  It has been a record-breaking term with the jar continuing to fill each day - with a bonus an a continual opportunity for us to develop our counting, addition and place value skills :)

This popcorn kernel collection has been in anticipation for the end of term POPCORN PARTY where we will celebrate with popcorn and a movie.  We will have it between recess and lunch and no special food will need to be provided (usual recess and lunch foods please).  However, the students have asked (begged) if they can bring in 'snugglies' to celebrate.  They will still need to wear faction uniform (except Geographe who has free dress) and school shoes but are welcome to bring in a small pillow/cushion, slippers or a snuggly robe to wear over in-class during our movie session.  Please limit what they bring inside one recyclable/shopping type labelled bag for ease of getting out and putting away between sessions.   

We have completed our reading and writing unit learning about the information report genre and have written a published copy of a favourite food report for a chosen person.  We have displayed many of these up on the back WOW work wall.  We have learnt so much about paragraphs, varied sentence starters and keeping our reader informed with facts that have been organised into different sub-topics. 

We are also completing our unit on life cycles in science with a quadorama that will include three mini-models of a chosen egg laying creature.  We will be building this on Thursday morning with mostly school materials but feel free to send in any other recycled materials if your child wishes to bring in anything extra.  This Design Technology/Science task is a final activity we will complete with our amazing Year 5 buddies.

Reports will be sent home with the children on Friday afternoon, please keep an eye out for this in your child's bag.  Those students who are not at school tomorrow will have their report posted to their home address during the holidays.  Please also note that the first Monday back after school holidays is a pupil-free day.  

I hope you all have an amazing break and some special time with family.
Thank you for your continued support and assistance in 2K and OLC.
Penny and Kristy

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