Term 3 Week 10

Good morning parents, We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Those very exciting holidays are fast approaching and boy oh boy we are ready for them. It has been a busy term! Over the past week, whilst preparing for tonight's open classroom, we have realised that the student's have worked incredibly hard to learn many new concepts and produce high quality pieces of work. We are so very proud of them and can understand their need for a break! REMINDERS - WEEK 10 Open Classroom - Tonight is your chance to come and check out the work your child has been doing throughout the year. It starts in the hall at 5pm, where Mr Lee will welcome us and some students will carryout a short musical performance. Classrooms will then be open from 5.15-6pm for you share in celebrating your child's achievements. Please remember that this is a special time to spend with your child to discuss what they have enjoyed learning. Athletics Carnival - Please not...