Term 4 Week 9
Good afternoon parents,
So here it is... the final blog post of the year with all the important information about the upcoming events this week.
It has been such a wonderful year watching each and every one of the kids grow and overcome challenges they have faced throughout the year. I have really enjoyed teaching and getting to know your children. They are all unique and special in their own way. Thank you for your support throughout the year to ensure your child's learning could happen.
See below for the important reminders.
End of Year Christmas Concert - is on tomorrow night Tuesday beginning at 5.30pm. If you can please have your child at school by 5.15pm dressed in Christmas colours...seats will be at a premium so factor that in to your plans!
Colour Run - this will take place on Friday 13th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an extra white t-shirt for your child to change into.
Reports - these will be sent home with your child on Friday. If your child is not at school on Friday it will be posted to you.

Books - these will be sent home with your child in the coming days. This does not mean that all school work has stopped...it hasn't. It just means that we are keen to avoid a massive load being sent home on the last day!
Prayer Assembly - there will be a farewell prayer assembly for the Year 6 students on Friday morning beginning at 9am. You are warmly invited to attend if you are able. Star Citizen and Merits will be presented during this time.
St Vincent De Paul Hampers - Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. There are boxes in our classroom for your donations. Each year level is to donate particular things. PP, Yrs 1& 2: Tinned food, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas). These will be assembled Wednesday so please bring any items in by Wednesday morning the latest.
Have a great week, I hope to see you all at some point to wish you well for the Christmas break.
So here it is... the final blog post of the year with all the important information about the upcoming events this week.
It has been such a wonderful year watching each and every one of the kids grow and overcome challenges they have faced throughout the year. I have really enjoyed teaching and getting to know your children. They are all unique and special in their own way. Thank you for your support throughout the year to ensure your child's learning could happen.
See below for the important reminders.
End of Year Christmas Concert - is on tomorrow night Tuesday beginning at 5.30pm. If you can please have your child at school by 5.15pm dressed in Christmas colours...seats will be at a premium so factor that in to your plans!
Colour Run - this will take place on Friday 13th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an extra white t-shirt for your child to change into.
Reports - these will be sent home with your child on Friday. If your child is not at school on Friday it will be posted to you.

Books - these will be sent home with your child in the coming days. This does not mean that all school work has stopped...it hasn't. It just means that we are keen to avoid a massive load being sent home on the last day!
Prayer Assembly - there will be a farewell prayer assembly for the Year 6 students on Friday morning beginning at 9am. You are warmly invited to attend if you are able. Star Citizen and Merits will be presented during this time.
St Vincent De Paul Hampers - Each year at OLC we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. There are boxes in our classroom for your donations. Each year level is to donate particular things. PP, Yrs 1& 2: Tinned food, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas). These will be assembled Wednesday so please bring any items in by Wednesday morning the latest.
Have a great week, I hope to see you all at some point to wish you well for the Christmas break.
Mrs Penny King & Kristy Hunt