
Showing posts from November, 2020

Week 7 Term 4 2020

  Good afternoon parents, I hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed some of that amazing sunshine we had! I was cooped up at home busily writing the end of Year reports. I have loved looking back at the children's learning and I have been blown away at how far they have come! I'm not even going to talk about how hard it will be to send this class off next year to the big wide world of Year Two and Three! A few reminders for the last couple of weeks... Vinnie's Appeal A reminder that we are collecting pantry,non perishable items...if you can please have them in by the end of Week 8, we would be very appreciative! Excursion - Meelup Beach  A note regarding the ECC excursion will be coming home this week. We are waiting on a few last minute people to get back to us and confirmation of policies so the excursion can be a great end to a wonderful year! We are looking forward to celebrating with the junior years with cultural learning integrated with a day of fun in the sun...

Week 6 Term 4 2020

Good afternoon parents,  I hope you have had a lovely start to the week and although the weather has not been as good as previous weekends, we have been learning LOTS and taking advantage of this beautiful cool weather! Our Assembly I am super proud of how well all of the students did performing at our prayer assembly.  We had the special task of talking about NAIDOC week and being the first class to present our new special occasions Welcome to Country that was created by the staff and Josh Whiteland.  The students also sang so beautifully the Aborignal Our Father.   Please click on this blue link you can view if you wish:  Year 1/2K Assembly TERM  4 IMPORTANT DATES-   Thursday 19th November: Scitech Incursion at school Monday 23rd November: Pupil Free Day Friday 20th November: OLC Disco starting at 5pm Tuesday 24th November: Year 6 Musical Matinee @1.45pm Friday 27th November: Year 6 Musical @ 7pm Friday 4th December: **Tentative Excursion date**...

Week 4 Term 4 2020

 Dear Parents,  I hope you had a lovely weekend and that your little munchkins weren''t on too much of a sugar rush after a big Halloween weekend! The children sounded like they had an absolute ball and I know there were also some parents who had a wonderful night too! A few pieces of information:  PRAYER ASSEMBLY Next Friday we will be performing our Prayer Assembly based on the theme of 'NAIDOC' week. Unfortunately Admin has directed that we are not yet allowed parents at assemblies so I will aim to record the assembly for you to view at your leisure. We will be learning to sing the Aboriginal Our Father song and explaining to the school the meaning of NAIDOC, our local Wardandi people and the Aboriginal flag meaning. Your child may come home with a reading tomorrow to practise. It would be greatly appreciated if you could help your child learn their reading over the week in lead up to our prayer performance on Friday.   If your child will not be attending school o...