Week 7 Term 4 2020
Good afternoon parents, I hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed some of that amazing sunshine we had! I was cooped up at home busily writing the end of Year reports. I have loved looking back at the children's learning and I have been blown away at how far they have come! I'm not even going to talk about how hard it will be to send this class off next year to the big wide world of Year Two and Three! A few reminders for the last couple of weeks... Vinnie's Appeal A reminder that we are collecting pantry,non perishable items...if you can please have them in by the end of Week 8, we would be very appreciative! Excursion - Meelup Beach A note regarding the ECC excursion will be coming home this week. We are waiting on a few last minute people to get back to us and confirmation of policies so the excursion can be a great end to a wonderful year! We are looking forward to celebrating with the junior years with cultural learning integrated with a day of fun in the sun...