Week 7 Term 4 2020
Good afternoon parents,
I hope you had a lovely long weekend and enjoyed some of that amazing sunshine we had! I was cooped up at home busily writing the end of Year reports. I have loved looking back at the children's learning and I have been blown away at how far they have come! I'm not even going to talk about how hard it will be to send this class off next year to the big wide world of Year Two and Three!
A few reminders for the last couple of weeks...
Vinnie's Appeal
A reminder that we are collecting pantry,non perishable items...if you can please have them in by the end of Week 8, we would be very appreciative!
Excursion - Meelup Beach
A note regarding the ECC excursion will be coming home this week. We are waiting on a few last minute people to get back to us and confirmation of policies so the excursion can be a great end to a wonderful year! We are looking forward to celebrating with the junior years with cultural learning integrated with a day of fun in the sun.
We will require four parent helpers to both come with the groups through the rotations and cook a sausage sizzle (from 12.00pm), please let us know if you can help.
If you have your Bronze Medallion and can help us, we would love you to come! We have some lifesavers coming on the day but the more eyes we have, the better!
As mentioned in our last school newsletter, the students have been asked to wear Christmas colours to the upcoming concert on Tue 8th December. Can I ask that the students dress in bright Christmas colours with hats, antlers etc. for the night, but more information will be coming from Mrs. Horrocks after the musical has finished this week.
No Homework and collection of home readers
Just a reminder that there is no homework for the remainder of the term besides reading books. I have also glued in a spelling list for any students who would like to practise their last sound - air, are, ear for the year. This is optional. The children will have their last home reading book on Thursday night and then we need ALL books back by Friday for stocktake. No books or red reading files will be sent home for the last two weeks. Please have a little look around for any stray books (down side of beds, in cars, etc. ) and send to school any library or home reader books that may appear over the next few weeks 😎
Please see the recent newsletter sent on Thursday for any other information on upcoming school events.
Have a lovely week!
Penny and Gemma