Week 6 Term 4 2020
Good afternoon parents,
I hope you have had a lovely start to the week and although the weather has not been as good as previous weekends, we have been learning LOTS and taking advantage of this beautiful cool weather!
Our Assembly
I am super proud of how well all of the students did performing at our prayer assembly. We had the special task of talking about NAIDOC week and being the first class to present our new special occasions Welcome to Country that was created by the staff and Josh Whiteland. The students also sang so beautifully the Aborignal Our Father.
Please click on this blue link you can view if you wish:
- Thursday 19th November: Scitech Incursion at school
- Monday 23rd November: Pupil Free Day
- Friday 20th November: OLC Disco starting at 5pm
- Tuesday 24th November: Year 6 Musical Matinee @1.45pm
- Friday 27th November: Year 6 Musical @ 7pm
- Friday 4th December: **Tentative Excursion date** more details to come...
- Tuesday 8th December: End of Year Christmas Concert
- Friday 11th December: Last Day of Term 4 - Colour Run
As we head towards the end of the term, I know the children are getting more and more tired...and so are some of the teachers 🤦♀️. I know how much we all try and pack into the weekend and after school, but we would really appreciate if you could get your little one to bed early as it not only sets us up for a good day, but also a great day for their learning 😎
Homework due this week - Friday 20th November
Just a little reminder that Homework is due this week and this will be the last lot for the year. As we will begin to require all the home readers back for inventory, your child can access the Reading Eggs Library to read or they may choose some reading books from home.
Merit Award Winner
Congratulations to Finn for being our merit award winner for last week. He has been writing some impressive narrative texts and remembering to include interesting details to keep his reader engaged and want to read more. Unfortunately the merit photo didn't work so here's a photo of Finn just being his awesome self! Congratulations to Aurelia for being our term star citizen award winner. This term we are focusing on our school value of Excellence, which she consistently demonstrates in her learning. Aurelia is a keen learner who is always keen to show her knowledge and has a positive attitude towards trying out new concepts in her work.