Term 3 Week 8
Upcoming Events:
Wednesday 6th - Jumps event: 2H 2.10-3.00pm wear sports uniform
Friday 8th- Operation Christmas Child shoebox donation due date please
Wednesday 13th- Throws event: 2H 2.10pm wear sports uniform
Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival
Our class' time for jumps has been scheduled for last hour on Wednesday afternoon. Spectators and helpers are welcome. Year 2-6 students wear sports uniform on this day in addition to our Thursday and Friday sport days this week.
We are continuing to focus on money this week. It would be appreciated if you could set aside a little extra time over the next fortnight counting collections of different coins and the method for counting up totals which require changing between skip counting (eg. start with coins larger value, group same type coins and skip count). You could also role-play purchasing items to help develop concept of change and how it is calculated. We will also be practising writing amounts using the $ and c sign and writing addition, subtraction and even multiplication sums including these money symbols.
We have been playing some interactive games on the smartboard during lesson warm ups created by ASIC and some students have requested the link so they can play it at home:
Money smart: pay the price https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/mst-resources/pay-the-price/index.html
Money smart: money match https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/mst-digital-resources/money-match/index.html
Please see last week's blog post for more information on classroom events and learning :)
We hope all the 2H fathers had a lovely day yesterday and your gorgeous children let you know how special you are.
Thank you for your continued support.
God Bless
Penny and Kristy
Wednesday 6th - Jumps event: 2H 2.10-3.00pm wear sports uniform
Friday 8th- Operation Christmas Child shoebox donation due date please
Wednesday 13th- Throws event: 2H 2.10pm wear sports uniform
Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival
Our class' time for jumps has been scheduled for last hour on Wednesday afternoon. Spectators and helpers are welcome. Year 2-6 students wear sports uniform on this day in addition to our Thursday and Friday sport days this week.
Little Mermaid
All of the students were invited to see the wonderful production this afternoon and it was absolutely fantastic! So many wonderful songs and the performance was amazing. If you haven't got tickets, they are still available for Wednesday, Thursday and some limited for Friday. I'm sure the children would love to see the production again under the lights.

We are continuing to focus on money this week. It would be appreciated if you could set aside a little extra time over the next fortnight counting collections of different coins and the method for counting up totals which require changing between skip counting (eg. start with coins larger value, group same type coins and skip count). You could also role-play purchasing items to help develop concept of change and how it is calculated. We will also be practising writing amounts using the $ and c sign and writing addition, subtraction and even multiplication sums including these money symbols.
We have been playing some interactive games on the smartboard during lesson warm ups created by ASIC and some students have requested the link so they can play it at home:
Money smart: pay the price https://s3-ap-southeast-2.amazonaws.com/mst-resources/pay-the-price/index.html
Money smart: money match https://www.moneysmart.gov.au/mst-digital-resources/money-match/index.html
Please see last week's blog post for more information on classroom events and learning :)
We hope all the 2H fathers had a lovely day yesterday and your gorgeous children let you know how special you are.
Thank you for your continued support.
God Bless
Penny and Kristy