Term 3 Week 9
Upcoming events:
Wednesday 13th - Jumps event at approx 2.00pm
Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival
Please wear your faction shirts on Wednesday and Thursday and sports uniform on Friday this week.
Please see today's SEQTA email and last week's newsletter for details about times for events for the Athletics carnival and recess/lunch breaks.
Shoebox donations:
Thank you so much for all of the donations that came in last week for Operation Christmas Child. This project has been running in the school for well over a decade and it is another way we can show compassion and care for others. If there are any more donations or $2.50 postage coins, please bring them in ASAP.
Geography/Science: We continue to be busy bees in 2H, learning about our local native animals. We have begun our inquiry cycle and collating current knowledge and wonder questions. This week we will begin researching information to create a report and informational narrative, combining writing skills and technology. Our projects are hoped to be finished ready to share by the end of the term...stay tuned!
Mathematics: This week we will be reviewing mathematical language of operations = - + x and our understanding of numbers in our world. We are also working on our problem solving skills.
On Friday afternoon we completed our first Friday challenge to create as many 3 digit numbers as possible using three playing cards and writing them in order of value. Some students chose to work in pairs or individually to complete the challenge. It was so great to see 2H members discussing the challenge requirements, collecting resources, sharing ideas and process to break apart the challenge and eventually 'show what you know'.
Wednesday 13th - Jumps event at approx 2.00pm
Thursday 14th - Athletics carnival
Please wear your faction shirts on Wednesday and Thursday and sports uniform on Friday this week.
Please see today's SEQTA email and last week's newsletter for details about times for events for the Athletics carnival and recess/lunch breaks.
Shoebox donations:
Thank you so much for all of the donations that came in last week for Operation Christmas Child. This project has been running in the school for well over a decade and it is another way we can show compassion and care for others. If there are any more donations or $2.50 postage coins, please bring them in ASAP.
Geography/Science: We continue to be busy bees in 2H, learning about our local native animals. We have begun our inquiry cycle and collating current knowledge and wonder questions. This week we will begin researching information to create a report and informational narrative, combining writing skills and technology. Our projects are hoped to be finished ready to share by the end of the term...stay tuned!
Mathematics: This week we will be reviewing mathematical language of operations = - + x and our understanding of numbers in our world. We are also working on our problem solving skills.
On Friday afternoon we completed our first Friday challenge to create as many 3 digit numbers as possible using three playing cards and writing them in order of value. Some students chose to work in pairs or individually to complete the challenge. It was so great to see 2H members discussing the challenge requirements, collecting resources, sharing ideas and process to break apart the challenge and eventually 'show what you know'.