Week 6, Term 1 2020

Dear parents, 
I hope you are enjoying this current change of weather and calm. It certainly is a refreshing change, especially with everything that is going on around the world at the moment. 

It was an interesting result on Friday as we investigated our daily class data collection question that stormy weather is actually a favourite and the most popular weather category in the 1/2K team! 

Swimming Lessons and Parent Roster
Swimming lessons have finished for our class.  I am so proud of their focus, determination to develop their swimming skills and the manners and sensible behaviour they showed while as the pool.  
While curriculum learning is back to normal this week, our specialist timetable will remain the same as last week unfortunately as the upper grades are continuing with their lessons at the beach.  This means that everyday the students will be attending their specialist classes either at the 8.40 bell or at 9.40 for an hour.  This means that the morning parent roster would be better starting next week when all literacy learning returns back to morning sessions.  I will draw up the parent roster later this week and post it on the blog so parents who aren't regularly in can email me a date if they wish to help and then outside our door the following day.  

A new fortnight of homework will go home tomorrow and has been glued into your child's book (if it was in their folder on Friday). Just a reminder that your child should be bringing their homework folder every night Monday to Thursday and back to school each morning.  We ask that your child colour the grid of things when they complete them and that you tick the words every night when your child reads their fluency maze (long e sounds ee/ea/y words this fortnight including regular high frequency words). Timing your child and recording their nightly results has also become popular with some students so feel free to add this on too if you wish.  We have added to the greyed everyday section a skip counting task to complete whenever your child is travelling in the car.  This is a important skill to be able to recite skip counting in 2s, 5s and 10s up to and beyond 100 in year 1 and by the end of Year 2 should be able to count and continue counting in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s from any given number up to 100 and count into three digit numbers.

5H Prayer Assembly - 9am Friday 20th March and also 
Popcorn Day for Lakes Entrance and Project Compassion Fundraising. $2 per bag. 

1/2K Prayer Assembly - 2.10pm Friday 27th March - ADD this one to your calendar for next Friday! 

Spelling focus for Week 7 is the phoneme long e  - ee, ea and y are the graphemes we will be learning to spell.  

The comprehension strategy we are focusing on is ‘flip the vowel sound’. We will also be continuing to focus on the other decoding skills of sounding out the word out loud so our ears can hear it, returning to sentence beginnings to increase comprehension and developing out fluency by reading difficulty passages three times.  

We will begin our text genre focus on creative narratives this week, moving on from factual recount texts.  We will learn about the essential parts of stories including characters, settings, orientation (beginning), problems and resolutions.  Our grammar will align with narratives, learning about nouns and adjectives to describe nouns.  

We will continue to learn about algebraic number patterns this week or more simply, number sequences that involve skip counting and missing elements.  We had fun last week learning the counting sequence for 2s, 3s, 4s, 5s and 10s in some maths groups and will continue to learn about skip counting and indentifying and solving number patterns this week.  

Please let us know if you have any questions at all.  We appreciate your support and assistance.  
Thank you, 
Penny and Gemma 

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