Welcome to 2K!
Welcome to the 2018 school year! We hope you had a lovely summer holiday break and are looking forward to meeting in just a couple of days and beginning the learning journey for the year ahead with you and your child. Please find the following pertinent information which may be useful for the first few days:
Uniform – The children in 2K will be required to wear their school (dress) uniform on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. We will have Physical Education lessons with Mrs Sinclair on Thursdays and students will need to wear their sports uniform each Thursday (starting week 1). The whole school wears sports uniform on Fridays with their faction coloured shirt. As per our current uniform policy; sport shoes must be predominantly white with no coloured laces.
Booklist Items – The children in year 2 share all items of stationery it is therefore not necessary to individually name/label items with the exception of the headphones and textbooks. Please bring all your child's items in on the first day in a named bag or the box to ensure that each child has what they need, we will distribute the items as required throughout the year. Furthermore, please bring to school a homework folder – the one your child used last year or similar is perfect.
First Day - On the first day we ask your child hangs their bag on a hook outside next to our door (extra hooks for 2K are next to the library entrance). It would be most appreciated if your child could bring into the classroom their booklist items, water, crunch and sip. Hats will be kept in their schoolbag for easy access during outside and sports time.
Your child will find a desk mat with their name to begin the day’s learning. Please note that we do not keep fixed desks throughout the day and your child will move to different areas throughout the day to establish preferred learning spaces. We will also change the allocated desk areas each Monday.
Crunch and Sip-Each morning your child will have an opportunity to have a “crunch & sip”. Please send in a little fresh fruit or vegetable snack for them to snack on during this time. Your child can put their “crunch & sip” and their water bottle on their desk ready for the day ahead.
Morning Setup – After a few days your child will bring to school their homework folder containing a reader, spelling and maths book. We encourage students to change books daily or record new chapters in their reading log daily. They will enter the classroom with their homework folder, water bottle and crunch and sip. Please support your child to do as much of this as independently as possible.
Gathering Time – Our classroom is open from 8.30am to 8.45am. We will have a weekly schedule for each day’s gathering time task in addition to a written daily agenda displayed on the white board explaining the task. Please encourage your child to read this greeting and instructions themselves if possible. Gathering time is an important time of the day for us to connect with every student and help get them set up for the day. It can be tricky for us to give you our full attention on occasions, so if you need to speak with either of us, please feel free to come in after school or send us an email or on a note/post-it left on our desk.
Swimming Lessons - These will commence for 2K on Thursday 8thFebruary and conclude on Wednesday 14th February. Please remember to return your child’s swimming enrolment form on Wednesday 31st January. Enrolment forms were attached to the newsletter, alternatively please see Mrs Fran Marrell in the office.
Contact Details - You can contact ourselves directly via email penny.king@cewa.edu.au and kristy.hunt@cewa.edu.au . We welcome your information, knowledge, questions and feedback as to how best we can serve, educate and nurture your child this year. The opportunity and gift to teach your child is a blessing.
We look forward to welcoming you tomorrow morning!
Kindest Regards and May God Bless You
Mrs Penny King (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) and Mrs Kristy Hunt (Wed)