Week 2 Term 1
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 8th Februrary: - Swimming begins tomorrow!
Tuesday 13th February - Parent Information Evening (more information in this week's school newsletter)
Wednesday 14th February: Ash Wednesday School Mass
Wednesday 14th February: Last day of swimming lessons
Week 1 - What a great start!
Our first few days of Year 2 were brilliant! We have all settled in so well to Year 2 and ready for a busy year ahead of learning and fun.
Swimming Lessons begin Wednesday 8th February for Year 2
Parent Information Evening
Stay tuned for this week's Newsletter which will outline further details about our whole school Parent Information Evening next Tuesday 13th February starting at 5.00pm.
Thursday 8th Februrary: - Swimming begins tomorrow!
Tuesday 13th February - Parent Information Evening (more information in this week's school newsletter)
Wednesday 14th February: Ash Wednesday School Mass
Wednesday 14th February: Last day of swimming lessons
Week 1 - What a great start!
Our first few days of Year 2 were brilliant! We have all settled in so well to Year 2 and ready for a busy year ahead of learning and fun.
Swimming Lessons begin Wednesday 8th February for Year 2
We are last group on the day, leaving
school at 11:30am for a 12:15pm lesson. The children will be participating in 2 x 40 minute
lessons, with a 10-minute break in the middle. We will bring the children’s
Crunch&Sip snack to the pool, along with their drink bottles to help them
restore some energy during this break time. We are aiming to return to school
just before home time, so depending on time allowance, the children may return
home in their bathers. We will be eating an early recess and lunch before we leave at 11:30am.
Please ensure that your child brings a separate bag for swimming which includes a towel, goggles and a small plastic bag for wet bathers. We will keep their swimming bag and belongings outside on their bag hook until swimming time. Your child may come to school in their thongs and sports uniform. If you
wish, they can wear their bathers underneath (or change at school beforehand).
Sports shoes will be unnecessary, as the children may have little or no time to
change when we return to school. Please note that your child is asked to wear the sports uniform until the end of the swimming lessons week.
Parent Information Evening
Stay tuned for this week's Newsletter which will outline further details about our whole school Parent Information Evening next Tuesday 13th February starting at 5.00pm.
Mental Maths Homework
On Monday, your child will have brought home their mental maths homework textbook inside their homework folder. We have staggered the homework introduction for your child to enable them to gain specific homework component requirements. Please assist your child to complete one column or day each night Monday to Thursday. Please read through Unit 1 with your child and complete Unit 2 questions throughout this week. It is beneficial for your child's mathematical development to provide immediate feedback by marking each question with your child and explaining any misunderstandings. Please mark Days 1 to 4 at home but we encourage you to share any difficulties that your child encountered. We will be completing Day 5 (the grey column) in class and marking Day 5 with your child. Reading books will be sent home with your child next week. We ask that you listen to your child read aloud 10-15 minutes per evening. Spelling will commence Week 4. More information about homework will be provided at the upcoming parent evening. We suggest your child brings their homework folder and all homework components each day and leaves their folder in the homework box near the front of the classroom.
We thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy