Week 4 Thursday Term 1
Upcoming Events:
Friday 9.30 - Mass at OLOSC church
Friday afternoon 4.30pm - OLC Family Picnic at Simmos
Saturday morning 9.00am - Busy Bee
Saturday evening 6pm - Year 5 and Commitment Mass at OLOSC
A roster for helpers for the Busy Bee has been placed outside the office, please write down your name if you are able to help - even just for an hour or so!
Please see the newsletter, handouts or Des' emails for more information on these events.
Mathematics Learning
We have loved learning about place value for 3 digit numbers (and beyond!) over the last fortnight. Students have been learning how to write, draw, make and order numbers and developing their understanding about our number system, how numbers work and their meaning.
We have come across some great interactive websites and games that students have loved doing and requests were made from some of our 2K kids if they could do it at home for fun!
The students have been guided how to search for set web addresses through Safari using key words so I will provide both this and the direct link.
topmarks ordering 7-11 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers
scootle number train http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L2317/index.html
Extra information: We have used Mathletics a few times over the past few weeks with some minor issues as our new Year 2 i-pads require the sole use of the new 'colourful' interface for Mathletics and we cannot use the same familiar one that was used last year. This means that Mathletics looks differently to the children and has a different set-up and working method than they are used to. The content remains the same and all users are set-up and running more efficiently now so we will be adding in their Mathletics log-ins in the cover of their Think Mentals tomorrow so those keen mathematicians are able to do more if they wish! Reading Eggs log-in codes will also be added inside your child's RED reading folder. I encourage those students in the higher reading levels to consider using Reading Eggspress now and for all 2K children to also look at the wealth of online books available in the Eggspress Library for students to read. You can narrow the search using the levels, keyword and interest areas. This is a a great resource for weekend reading or those particularly avid readers! Please let me know if you would also like an extra copy of the log in cards and if you have any questions about these apps.
Apologies for not yet being able to add the Powerpoint slide/converted pdf to the blog. Please feel free to email me with any further questions you may have or if you wish a pdf copy to be sent to your email.
Thank you for your support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy
Friday 9.30 - Mass at OLOSC church
Friday afternoon 4.30pm - OLC Family Picnic at Simmos
Saturday morning 9.00am - Busy Bee
Saturday evening 6pm - Year 5 and Commitment Mass at OLOSC
A roster for helpers for the Busy Bee has been placed outside the office, please write down your name if you are able to help - even just for an hour or so!
Please see the newsletter, handouts or Des' emails for more information on these events.
Mathematics Learning
We have loved learning about place value for 3 digit numbers (and beyond!) over the last fortnight. Students have been learning how to write, draw, make and order numbers and developing their understanding about our number system, how numbers work and their meaning.
We have come across some great interactive websites and games that students have loved doing and requests were made from some of our 2K kids if they could do it at home for fun!
The students have been guided how to search for set web addresses through Safari using key words so I will provide both this and the direct link.
topmarks ordering 7-11 https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/7-11-years/ordering-and-sequencing-numbers
scootle number train http://www.scootle.edu.au/ec/viewing/L2317/index.html
Extra information: We have used Mathletics a few times over the past few weeks with some minor issues as our new Year 2 i-pads require the sole use of the new 'colourful' interface for Mathletics and we cannot use the same familiar one that was used last year. This means that Mathletics looks differently to the children and has a different set-up and working method than they are used to. The content remains the same and all users are set-up and running more efficiently now so we will be adding in their Mathletics log-ins in the cover of their Think Mentals tomorrow so those keen mathematicians are able to do more if they wish! Reading Eggs log-in codes will also be added inside your child's RED reading folder. I encourage those students in the higher reading levels to consider using Reading Eggspress now and for all 2K children to also look at the wealth of online books available in the Eggspress Library for students to read. You can narrow the search using the levels, keyword and interest areas. This is a a great resource for weekend reading or those particularly avid readers! Please let me know if you would also like an extra copy of the log in cards and if you have any questions about these apps.
Apologies for not yet being able to add the Powerpoint slide/converted pdf to the blog. Please feel free to email me with any further questions you may have or if you wish a pdf copy to be sent to your email.
Thank you for your support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy