Week 7 2018
Upcoming Events:
Sunday 17th June: Year 4 Eucarist at OLOSC Church
Wednesday 20th June: Refugee Lunch Day
Friday 22nd June: last day to complete Parent Satisfaction survey for OLC see seqta email
Friday 22nd June: Year 2K Performance Assembly
Friday 22nd June: P&F Disco
Saturday 23rd June: Year 2 Family Mass at OLOSC Church
Monday 25th June: Grandparents Morning at OLC - Mass and classroom visits
Please read the School newsletter via your email link or available on school website for more information on whole school events.
Family Mass: Please be aware a new date for the Year 2 family mass and pizza night has now been officially rescheduled to Saturday 23rd June at 6.00pm. We hope you see you all there!
English: In reading we are continuing to learn about the different reading strategies that we can use to become better readers. These strategies are grouped under the CAFE concept - Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. One strategy that we have started to focus on is tuning in into interesting words. We have learnt that good readers stop and notice unknown and interesting vocabulary to 'magpie' them (steal) from books and texts they have read to lock them away in their brains to use them later in their own writing. We are working on sharing and using vibrant vocabulary in our writing and celebrate as a team those who do by adding these words to our new Magpie Word Wall. This method is derived from the 'magpie' concept promoted by Pie Corbett and his Talk4Write program. We love celebrating our WOW word additions and noticing magpie writers who are using their peers' awesome vocabulary in their own writing. We integrated our latest visual art lesson on line and contrast to draw these amazing magpies for our Word Wall.
We also enjoyed finishing off another big week of learning by also inviting 2T to visit us on Friday afternoon for our well-earnt golden time. We loved having them visit to share our favourite things to do in 2K!
Sunday 17th June: Year 4 Eucarist at OLOSC Church
Wednesday 20th June: Refugee Lunch Day
Friday 22nd June: last day to complete Parent Satisfaction survey for OLC see seqta email
Friday 22nd June: Year 2K Performance Assembly
Friday 22nd June: P&F Disco
Saturday 23rd June: Year 2 Family Mass at OLOSC Church
Monday 25th June: Grandparents Morning at OLC - Mass and classroom visits
Please read the School newsletter via your email link or available on school website for more information on whole school events.
Family Mass: Please be aware a new date for the Year 2 family mass and pizza night has now been officially rescheduled to Saturday 23rd June at 6.00pm. We hope you see you all there!
English: In reading we are continuing to learn about the different reading strategies that we can use to become better readers. These strategies are grouped under the CAFE concept - Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary. One strategy that we have started to focus on is tuning in into interesting words. We have learnt that good readers stop and notice unknown and interesting vocabulary to 'magpie' them (steal) from books and texts they have read to lock them away in their brains to use them later in their own writing. We are working on sharing and using vibrant vocabulary in our writing and celebrate as a team those who do by adding these words to our new Magpie Word Wall. This method is derived from the 'magpie' concept promoted by Pie Corbett and his Talk4Write program. We love celebrating our WOW word additions and noticing magpie writers who are using their peers' awesome vocabulary in their own writing. We integrated our latest visual art lesson on line and contrast to draw these amazing magpies for our Word Wall.
We also enjoyed finishing off another big week of learning by also inviting 2T to visit us on Friday afternoon for our well-earnt golden time. We loved having them visit to share our favourite things to do in 2K!
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy