Week 8

Upcoming events:
Wednesday 20th June: Refugee Lunch Day
Thursday 21st June: Cross Country morning
Friday 22nd June: Year 2K Performance Assembly
Friday 22nd June: P&F Disco
Saturday 23rd June: Year 2 Family Mass at OLOSC Church
Monday 25th June: Grandparents Morning at OLC - Mass and classroom visits

The last two weeks of term are proving to be very busy and full of events! There was lots of important information in Friday's newsletter and recent email notices, so please take note of what's happening prior to the holidays.

World Refugee Lunch Day - is tomorrow.  If you can also please discuss with your child the donation that can be made...this is the average cost of what it take to feed your child on this day. If your child may have some pocket money to contribute towards this it would also be great!  Many thanks to the parent helpers who have volunteered to cook and serve lunch on Refugee Rice Day. The children who are having rice are asked to bring in an empty lunch container from home to save on waste.

Cross Country - A reminder that the children are asked to wear their coloured faction T-shirts for Cross Country on Thursday morning. Please refer to the newsletter and the email sent out today for further information on our whole school Cross Country event.

2K Performance Assembly - Please ensure your child is at school at 8.30 this Friday so that we can walk over to the hall and prepare our positions.  Please make sure that your child brings to school their uniform to change into afterwards or wear their uniform underneath their costume.  Please come and see me if you have any questions about their costume. 

Disco - Our school disco will be held in the hall this Friday evening.  The K-2 session will be from 4.30 to 6pm with a sausage sizzle afterwards.  Please see the flyers around school and in the newsletter for more information. 

Family Mass:  Please be aware a new date for the Year 2 family mass and pizza night has now been officially rescheduled to Saturday 23rd June at 6.00pm.  We hope you see you all there!

Grandparents Day - A reminder that all of our lovely grandparents and great grandparents are invited to school next Monday for our annual 'Grandparents Day'. Please return the RSVP slips for Grandparents Day by the end of this week. Mrs Meyer is also putting together a slide show of our grandparents. Please email through your pictures to her on amie.meyer@cewa.edu.au .

Friday 29th- thank you morning tea -  The last day of school this term will also be Mrs Sheree Knezevic's last day of teaching practicum.  To say thank you for all of her hard work, amazing effort teaching all of the 2K children over this term and congratulate her on completing all of her studies, I would love the children to have a special morning tea with her.  If you could bring in a small plate of food in replacement of recess on the last day, it would be greatly appreciated. 

I think that's all for now!  As always, please feel free to ask any questions or share any special learning or celebrations your child has achieved.  Thank you for your continued support and assistance,
Penny  and Kristy

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