Week 4 Term 3

Week 3 Term 3
Upcoming Events: 
Year 2 Combined Prayer Assembly: 10th August 
OLC Feast Day – Mass 9am OLOSC and Mission Markets mid-morning 15th August
School Photos: 23rd and 24th August
Jumps: 28th August
Book Week: 30th August
Throws: 4th September
Athletics Carnival: 6th September

Year 2 Prayer Assembly: This week, both Year 2 classes will be presenting a prayer assembly on Friday morning, 10th August.  The theme is God's love and our empowerment to love in relation to the Sacrament of Confirmation.  We have been busy learning some Auslan signs to sing a song about God's family and love.  Some Year 2s have also volunteered to read and have brought home some lines to practise.  No costumes or props needed for the assembly and we would love you to come join us at 9am next week if you can.  

Feast Day Mission Markets: Next Wednesday

The OLC Feast Day celebrations will take place on the Assumption of Mary, Wednesday August 15. This is the day on which we celebrate Mary going to heaven. Weather permitting, the day will begin with a Mass at Our Lady of the Southern Cross church at 9.30am in the morning.  You are warmly invited to attend.

As a secondary part of our day we also have our annual Mission Markets - all money raised goes to support the Caritas mission and it is always a fantastic day!  This year,Year 2K students will be hosting the 'Guess the Jellybean' stall during this time!
We ask each 2K student to donate one large or two regular sized bags of jellybeans this week  so that we can create as many jars as possible.  
Please leave the jellybeans in the basket next to the Communication Book or send them in with your child. I'm sure the kids can't wait to visit all of the other exciting stalls and assist collecting money and recording the guesses.  It's also a great opportunity to apply our maths skills to real contexts and we just love collecting and organising data in 2K!   

Visual Art: To integrate our science topic of water, we have been learning about an artist who has painted several pictures with images of people swimming and using water.  We learnt about David Hockney and discussed his art together, thinking about what we noticed and what we wondered about his creations.  We used several images by Hockney to inspire our own swimming self portraits.  We have used oil pastel and water colour resist effect to create our wonderful water scenes.  Please have a look when you are next in the classroom and ask them about the swimming style or stance they chose and the materials they used.  

Science: We are loving sharing our science learning time with 2T in our small collaborative groups.  Some of us are integrating technology to learn about water sources and uses and others have begun a search around OLC for places where we find water and discuss their uses. Later in the week we will investigate the other aspect of water sources and continue to develop our understanding of Earth's precious resource.  

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