Week 7 Term 3


Shoebox Donations - 
If you haven't done so yet, can you please send these items and also the $2.50 for postage costs in by the next Friday 7th September that would be greatly appreciated. This is a wonderful OLC tradition that is so worthwhile for our children to think of others.  We encourage students to do extra jobs at home to help collect the money and gift donation for children on the other side of the world.  Please feel free to see us if you have any questions or check the previous blog post for links to the Operation Christmas Child project.

Book Week Dress Up - This Thursday is our Book Week Dress Up day! We ask that all students come dressed as a character from their favourite book ready to parade on Thursday after recess. If your child is able to bring their book as well, that would be great! They will be asked to explain their character during the parade.

Father's Day Breakfast - Can you please make sure that you have sent your RSVP in to Fran by Wednesday. We are asking all that attend to bring a cold coin donation.

Learning Journey Please note that the previously scheduled time for OLC Learning Journey afternoon for next week has been moved to the last week of school.  Parents would have received a text yesterday about this change of date. Our Open Evening/ Learning Journey event is an opportunity for parents to come into their child's classroom after school to look at some of the work that they have done throughout the year so far and share their achievements and future goals together.  

Jumps Day
What a wet Jumps Day for Years 1 and 2 at OLC this year!  Congratulations to all of the children for trying their best.  Well done to these magnificent jumpers who placed this year!  

Look at these beautiful bouncers!!!

Learning Topics and Concepts
Reading: Comprehension reading strategies: VISUALISING = making a movie in your head and  MAKING CONNECTIONS = thinking about what we already know, text to self, text to text and text to world are three types of connections
Writing: We are learning how to write information reports.  We are learning the structure, parts and language features of an informative description text
Mathematics: Reading times on digital and analogue clocks including half hour, quarter past and quarter to times
Religion: RECONCILIATION unit of study. We can wonder at our ability to work and God as our Creator of different work skills.  We are called to work like Jesus and love one another.  
HASS: Learning about Earth's seven continents in the world and our connections to these continents.
Science: Learning about the water cyle and the stages within the hydrological cycle of Earth's precious resource of water.  We also are learning about how water travels from its source to our taps and beyond

Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless, 
Penny and Kristy

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