Week 3 Term 1 2019

Hello Year 2 Parents!Week Three already?!?I hope you all had a lovely weekend break and are ready for another week of learning! 

Homework The children have each of the following in their folders tonight:

Targeting Mathematics: One unit is to be completed each week. Please refer to the previous class blog post for due dates for each unit. This week Unit 2 will be due on Friday morning.  It is up to you which part you complete each night.  Parents are encouraged to mark the work with your children daily as they complete each section to help give them immediate feedback.

Home Reading: Please fill out the log nightly in your child's R.E.D. folder. A minimum of 10 minutes per night of reading aloud to a parent is encouraged. The children will be able to exchange their readers during gathering time each morning.

LSCWC Spelling: The children glue in their spelling words  into these yellow booklets each Monday. Under these words, you will see a list of 5 personal sight words. The students are asked to complete the spelling routine of Look,Say, Cover, Write and Check in their pads nightly.  These PLD spelling list words will be tested every Friday in class.  Homework folders will remain at school over the weekend (so you don't need to remember to bring them to school on Monday mornings!)Remember: Homework should take no longer than 20-30 minutes per weeknight from Monday to Thursday.

Parent Information Evening
Parent Information Evening will begin with a whole school information session in the hall at 5:00pm. The Year 2 parent information session will then be held afterwards in the Library tomorrow. We hope to see you there, but if you are unable to attend, please let me know by email and I can arrange to send some information home. Following the evening, I will also post our presentation notes to the blog for your perusal.

Reading: Reading groups started today - this is very special time where we focus on developing our reading skills and comprehension in small groups and building on our use of reading strategies.
Writing: We are beginning our unit of focus on the narrative genre, learning about the 'story mountain' as a narrative structure and the importance of interesting vocabulary.
Spelling: PLD differentiated groups with explicit teaching sessions began last week from Years 1-3.  We will continue to work on our spelling in class on Thursdays and throughout the week during literacy rotations.  We will use our sound fist and elkonin boxes to develop our understanding of phonics and English spelling.  
We are continuing our focus concept on the number strand and developing our place value understanding of three digit numbers and beyond.  Last week we learnt about the different representations of three digit numbers and each places' value.  

This week we will be focusing on the magnitude and value of three digit numbers and the different place values that each digit represents.  We will be learning how to order numbers up to 1000 and look at patterns and relationships in 100 board grids. 
Science and Art
Last week we began our combined classes lessons in Science and Art.  This is a great opportunity for students to work and learn alongside peers in both Year 2 classes.  In Science we began our Physical Sciences unit on forces.  We learnt about push and pull forces and how they cause motion of objects.  We played a Kagan cooperative learning strategy called Quiz, Quiz, Trade to deepen our understanding of push and pull forces in our everday world.  

In Visual Arts we continued our review of the elements of art by completing our monochrome self-portraits and creating a textured collage background to mount and display our work ourselves.  

We have begun our Reconciliation unit called Jesus Forgives, where we consider how we share in God's work to help others and care for creation.  

Thank you for your continued support.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy 

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