Week 3 Update

Mother's Day

I hope you all had a relaxing Mother's Day on Sunday and felt well pampered by your children. We were lucky to have Bree and Erin come out from Bunnings last week to make your trinket boxes with the Year 2's. I hope that you enjoyed opening these special gifts on your morning. Below are some pictures of the Year 2's hard at work piecing the boxes together and going mad with the PVA glue and hammers! Many thanks to our parent helpers who attended on the day to make this activity possible.

Walk Safely to School Day

Walk Safely to School Day is coming up this Friday. Details about the day can be found in last week's school newsletter including pick up points and times if you wish your child to participate. The children will also be treated to an incursion with Constable Care on the day that ties in with Road Safety.

2K Prayer Assembly
Please note that our original prayer assembly date was changed earlier in the year to Week 3 Term Three instead of Week 3 this term.  This is due to the clash with Walk to School Day and associated assembly that is occuring this Friday morning. 

Book Fair

On Tuesday 21st and Wednesday 22nd May we will be holding our annual book fair in the Library. The Library will be selling books from 8am-9am and 3:30-4:30pm on these days.

Pupil Free Day - Staff Professional Development Day

Just a reminder that on Friday 24th May there will be a pupil free day, as the teachers will be involved in a Brightpaths (Writing Assessment) in-service.

Gathering Time
As we continue into the Grade 2 year and your child is continuing to develop their independence skills, we ask that you remain encouraging your child to carry in their own homework folder, crunch'n'sip and water bottle each day.  Students will be reminded to independently swap their book each morning and we will continue to do random checks throughout the day to keep an eye on the ones that 'forget' and review their home reading book choices and comments.   The students also know to where to quietly leave their homework folder in the 'not done' pile on the white table at the front if they arrive on the bell or late.  We are noticing that noise level is becoming an issue nearing the end of gathering times and it is difficult to hear the 8.45 bell and start our days calmly and promptly.  Most gathering time activities will remain to be review tasks or games that do not necessarily require parent assistance to be completed.  Starting promptly and quietly will also our class time to review the day's events and learning and time to go out for a decent morning fitness session with the exception of Kiss and Drop Friday due to popular request from the 2K kids :)
We ask if you could please let general parent conversations remain outside the classroom to help reduce noise levels during gathering time however we will still be available in the mornings for you to ask any questions or let us know of any issues we should be aware of about your child.


Please aim to keep up with reading each night and get your child to record books in their reading logs. We have been talking a lot about an author's purpose for writing in class - Is the authors purpose to Persuade, Inform or Entertain or Explain? We use the acronym PIE to remember these terms. This might be a nice discussion point during home reading time.  We have also been discussing specific features of information report genre texts such as contents pages, glossary, index and headings/sub-headings.  We would love it if you could spend a little extra time looking at the structure and purpose of these features at home if your child brings home a non-fiction text.

We are currently completing Unit 12 of Targeting Mental Maths this week.

Have a lovely week!
Penny and Kristy

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