Animal Creations

This term we have been investigating animals from both a Science and English perspective. In Science we have been learning about different animals and their offspring, within our Life and Living unit. In English, we have been reading lots of informative texts about animals and examining the features of an information report. In Technology, we have also been investigating animal features and exploring design and materials to construct an animal of our own.

This Friday, 31st May, between recess and lunch, we plan to construct an animal of our choice, paying close attention to 3 key features of the animal's body. We have each written a list of materials that we would like to collect for our animal and have sent these lists home so that the children can gather any recycled materials that you already have at home. We also have materials available for use at school and welcome any additional items that you may want to recycle from home. These items may include:
- Buttons/google eyes
- Cardboard rolls, boxes
- Wire/mesh/string
- Stockings
- Pipe cleaners
- Empty bottles/containers
- Feathers

If your child brings in a bag of personal items that they require for their own animal, please place the items in a labelled bag with their name on it.

We would also love some helpers on the day from approximately 11:30am-12:30pm. If you can help please let me know.

Enjoy your long weekend!

Penny and Kristy

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