Week 2 Term 4

Welcome to Week Two!

I hope you all had a wonderful two-week break with your beautiful children, what wonderful stories they have brought back to the class of their time with family and friends. We were so happy to see how much they have grown in such a short time. The students in 2K have been working very hard this week, below you will find a brief snapshot of what their week has involved.

As you may have seen at kiss and drop in the class, we have a class guest, Miss (Anita) Hurst. Miss Hurst is a practicum student from ECU, who has been with us on Wednesdays last term and now will be joining us for a block of five weeks. Miss Hurst is in the first year of her Masters of Primary Teaching.  She will be teaching some of the lessons for Kristy and myself, we will be providing feedback and then a supervisor from the university will come to visit on two separate occasions to provide a grading for the university. A brief introduction to Miss Hurst: she is originally from Ireland but has now lived in the beautiful South West for six years. Her previous education and career were focused on marketing and tourism; however, she has always wanted to be a primary school teacher. We are happy to have her on board for the upcoming few weeks.

Targeting Mental Maths: We will continue to complete one unit per week this term (Unit 29 this week) however if your child is a keen Mathematician they are able to pop onto Mathletics using their login. 
Reading: We will continue to send readers home every day for nightly reading this term. Please encourage your child to fill out their RED reading folder each morning in gathering time. 
Sight Words: The children will be tested early on in the term and we will be sending home personal sight word lists from their writing in their LCWC spelling pads throughout Term 4. 

Just a reminder that we are trialing a new time for Assembly this term, beginning at 2.20pm. 

One of our favourite days of the year! All grandparents are warmly invited to come and visit on Monday 28th October, please let them know if you haven't already! Further details are in the newsletter and an email was sent out.

These kick off this Wednesday and will run for Weeks 2 through to 5. There is a class challenge. If you are unable to wheel or walk, please make sure your child is coming with as much nude food (no packaging) as possible.

This term, the children will be learning Protective Behaviours through the program Keeping Safe. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking to the children about:
• the concept of personal space and how this is different for different people
• correct anatomical names of sexual body parts
• the whole body is private 
• appropriate and inappropriate touching.
Please see our previous blog post if you would like further details.  

The students have been working speedily towards their class goal of completing 100 books this semester during shared reading time. The majority of these books have focused on narratives, which also lends the topic for our writing this semester, predominantly focusing on setting the scene, characters, problem, solution and climax.

Money, money, money! This is the focus for mathematics for the next fortnight, including counting and ordering small collections of Australian coins and notes according to their value and identifying equivalent collections. The students have looked at how both coins and notes are made in Australia, they may ask to see a note and look at its unique features such as the small writing and the clear window.

In Science,  we are immersing the students in the Earth’s resources focusing on 'water'. To introduce this important subject, we discussed what we already know about water and what we wonder about water. Next week, we will be focusing on describing how water is transferred from its source to its point of use.

In HASS, we have continued our work on significant people, the students have completed their first draft and are now working on the graphic organiser. In religion, we have looked at teamwork, contagious attitudes and how we can be more giving.

During art attack we started to investigate and explore play dough to prepare for our fish mobile we will be making with clay over the upcoming weeks. The students took this opportunity to get messy and play with the playdough including; rolling it, shaping it and modelling the dough.

Here's to a wonderful final term ahead with the gorgeous 2K bunch!
Kind regards,
Penny and Kristy 

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