Welcome back to Term 4
Welcome back to another busy term in Year 2...I absolutely can't believe it is our last term together! I have loved watching our little loves develop and mature as the year has progressed and I am so very proud of all of their hard work. I will be sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the year for sure!
Just a few things for this term...
Targeting Mental Maths: We will continue to complete one unit per week this term, however if your child is a keen Mathematician they are able to pop onto Mathletics using their login.
Reading: We will continue to send readers home every day for nightly reading this term. Please encourage your child to fill out their RED reading folder each morning in gathering time.
Sight Words: The children will be tested early on in the term and we will be sending home personal sight word lists from their writing, throughout Term 4.
Just a reminder that we are trialing a new time for Assembly this term, beginning at 2.20pm.
One of our favourite days of the year! All grandparents are warmly invited to come and visit on Monday 28th October, please let them know if you haven't already! Further details will follow in the newsletter.
These kick off next week and will run for Week's 2 through to 5. There is a class challenge and I would love for our class to be the best in the school and see how many students we can get wheeling or walking. If you are unable to wheel or walk, please make sure your child is coming with as much nude food (no packaging) as possible.
This term, the children will be learning Protective Behaviours through the program Keeping Safe. Over the next few weeks, we will be talking to the children about:
Children need to learn (at an age and developmentally appropriate level):
• the concept of personal space and how this is different for different people
• correct anatomical names of sexual body parts
• the whole body is private
• appropriate and inappropriate touching.
For the next two Friday's, the children will be taking part in the Keeping Safe lesson about personal space and body parts. We will be reading stories and emphasising the fact that all parts of their body are private. I understand that the children may laugh and giggle when we talk about the anatomical names, but this is important for every child to know.
Recent research shows that knowing the anatomically correct language terms enhances children’s body image, self-confidence, and openness.
This is in conjunction with the Child Protection Curriculum which has been mandated in all schools in Western Australia.