
Showing posts from March, 2020

Home learning check in and How to write a narrative

Hi parents, I hope your home learning is going well. This week we are trying to move onto Seesaw to be our main online learning platform. We are trying out reading a story today and the video will be available this afternoon as an activity to watch, just like quiet and calm story time after lunch at school :) We are intending to provide daily learning as of next term including some schedules which can be adapted to your family and needs. This week, we are trialing using the announcements feature on Seesaw so a suggestion is, to check the Seesaw inbox each morning. See below a couple of schedules from the world wide web...but a more formal OLC schedule will be given next term.   Please feel free to email us if you are having any issues logging on to: - Reading Eggs - Mathletics - Seesaw - Study Ladder We have chosen to use the online learning programs as they allow us to set tasks in line with with teaching and learning programs so that there is continuity betwe...

End of Week 8 and Week 9 Home Learning

Dear Parents, It really has been an interesting week to say the very least and the unknown of the future that lies ahead for all of us. During all of the these closures there is difficulties and feelings of stress and anxieties and now in addition, so many of you have the added pressure of being a teacher to your children.  Some great advice that I have seen and totally agree to involve the following points: -You don't need to try to replicate the whole school experience, do what works for you and family. -Don't try to be your child's classroom teacher.  Just keep being the teacher you already are and who have been as their first teacher since the day they were born. -Please be easy on yourself - keep in mind that we are trained for years and had many years practise and do not expect you to replicate the same overnight.  We know that we couldn't possibly take over your job overnight and we know and understand that you wouldn't be able to do ours.  Let us s...

Home Learning extra information

Dear Parents, Thank you for all your ongoing support during this difficult and uncharted time, we have really appreciated your emails of support and kindness. It is vital that you let Admin know if your child won't be attending school by completing an online absentee form. Please remember to enter the returning date as 09.04.2020 if you are choosing to self isolate until the end of the term. You can also come into the office and complete an extended leave form. Please find the absentee link below: Online Absentee Link If your child was away today and you are not returning, could you please email teachers as well so we can forward onto you your child' s personal login codes for home learning. Please find the online learning grid AND resources link below. Home Learning Resources (Week 8) Online Learning Grid Please refer to our previous blog post for tutorials on how to complete some of our daily spelling tasks. We had a wonderful day of learning today! Penny an...

Week 8 Information Term 1 2020

Dear Parents, I can't believe we are in week 8! The weeks have just flown by! Week 8 Home Learning Here is an abridged version of what learning concepts we will be covering throughout the week in class. Please find below an outline of Week 8 home learning. I have also attached videos that will give you tutorials on how to complete some Spelling activities that the children are used to completing in class.  If you have contacted the office and filled out and an extended leave form or emailed us directly, you will receive an email from your teacher, that provides you with the resources to accompany the weekly overview.   Please note that we will be only providing a very small amount of worksheet type of learning as worksheets are only a small proportion of our teaching and learning in the early years.   Most learning concepts involve beginning with modelling and then sharing and discussing learning together before finally completing an independent task...

Week 6, Term 1 2020

Dear parents,  I hope you are enjoying this current change of weather and calm. It certainly is a refreshing change, especially with everything that is going on around the world at the moment.  It was an interesting result on Friday as we investigated our daily class data collection question that stormy weather is actually a favourite and the most popular weather category in the 1/2K team!  Swimming Lessons and Parent Roster Swimming lessons have finished for our class.  I am so proud of their focus, determination to develop their swimming skills and the manners and sensible behaviour they showed while as the pool.   While curriculum learning is back to normal this week, our specialist timetable will remain the same as last week unfortunately as the upper grades are continuing with their lessons at the beach.  This means that everyday the students will be attending their specialist classes either at the 8.40 bell or at 9.40 for an hour....

Week 5 Term 1 2020

Hello parents, I hope you are all enjoying your homework free night as I seem to have forgotten to hand them out in while having so much fun learning this afternoon.  Sorry! Crazy Hair Day This Friday it will be crazy hair day for the children who wish to participate. We ask that you bring a gold coin donation to help support St Brendan's School in NSW who were affected by the bush fires in January. It is also coincides with free dress day just for Meelup as they were the winning faction for tokens this half term. Homework A new fortnight of homework went out today and has been glued into your child's book. We ask that your child colour the grid of things when they complete them and that you tick the words each night when your child reads their fluency maze (ay/ai/a-e words this fortnight). Some parents have included an abundance of ticks and dots to show how many times they completed it and/or recorded their completion time instead.  We have included a mathematics act...