Home learning check in and How to write a narrative

Hi parents,

I hope your home learning is going well. This week we are trying to move onto Seesaw to be our main online learning platform. We are trying out reading a story today and the video will be available this afternoon as an activity to watch, just like quiet and calm story time after lunch at school :)

We are intending to provide daily learning as of next term including some schedules which can be adapted to your family and needs. This week, we are trialing using the announcements feature on Seesaw so a suggestion is, to check the Seesaw inbox each morning. See below a couple of schedules from the world wide web...but a more formal OLC schedule will be given next term.


Please feel free to email us if you are having any issues logging on to:

- Reading Eggs
- Mathletics
- Seesaw
- Study Ladder

We have chosen to use the online learning programs as they allow us to set tasks in line with with teaching and learning programs so that there is continuity between home and school while this crazy period occurs. We have also chosen to use these as they provide us with reports on how the children are progressing and  it also allows us to see who has logged on and what tasks have been completed each week/day. We can give you feedback through Seesaw which gives it a personal touch to this new learning environment - PLUS we get to hear your beautiful children's voices.

Please see below the tutorial on how you can using the Boxing up the text template, which was included in the Week 9 online learning documents.

I hope you are all surviving this weather inside! 

Big virtual hugs to you all! 

Penny and Gemma 

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