Week 8 Information Term 1 2020
Dear Parents,
I can't believe we are in week 8! The weeks have just flown by!
Week 8 Home Learning
Here is an abridged version of what learning concepts we will be covering throughout the week in class. Please find below an outline of Week 8 home learning. I have also attached videos that will give you tutorials on how to complete some Spelling activities that the children are used to completing in class.
If you have contacted the office and filled out and an extended leave form or emailed us directly, you will receive an email from your teacher, that provides you with the resources to accompany the weekly overview.
Please note that we will be only providing a very small amount of worksheet type of learning as worksheets are only a small proportion of our teaching and learning in the early years. Most learning concepts involve beginning with modelling and then sharing and discussing learning together before finally completing an independent task. Modelling involves introducing the concept and 'thinking aloud' how to do something and showing strategies how to work out difficult parts and problem solve. Shared learning involves lots of discussion, reasoning (because) and explaining thinking and problem solving with students. Independent learning may involve writing, completing a task and sometimes a worksheet.
In Digital Technologies this term, we have learnt how to show our learning using a digital platform and making a web-based learning journal using an app called Seesaw Class. Our students are familiar with using the app as a way of showing and recording their learning. Seesaw have recently released log-in codes during the world-wide shut downs so that students at home can complete some learning tasks, share it with their teachers and continue to keep web-based journals and folders of their learning. We encourage you to download the app (make sure it is Seesaw Class not Seesaw Family) onto an i-pad, tablet or computer if you would like your child to share some of their home learning with us.
I also investigated a way to share another resource used at school at times called Study Ladder. This learning platform has also released free home learning (you do not need to sign up for premium) as another way for your child to continue learning about our focus concepts from home. We have set up each child with an account for Study Ladder as well but please note that this is not an app and will need to be accessed through Safari if you are using an ipad or tablet but it can be easily bookmarked onto Safari for easy access.
If your child is isolation and you have contacted the school, you will also receive a second email with an attached photograph with details of your child's home learning logins so that you can zoom in on the photo to see each of the log in codes and user names. If your child was at school on Friday 20th March, a copy of their home learning logins were sent home in their homework folder.
Please click on the link below to access the home learning grid and see the videos below which help support your child in completing their spelling activities (featuring some new you tube stars aka your Year 1 and 2 teachers).
If you have contacted the office and filled out and an extended leave form or emailed us directly, you will receive an email from your teacher, that provides you with the resources to accompany the weekly overview.
Please note that we will be only providing a very small amount of worksheet type of learning as worksheets are only a small proportion of our teaching and learning in the early years. Most learning concepts involve beginning with modelling and then sharing and discussing learning together before finally completing an independent task. Modelling involves introducing the concept and 'thinking aloud' how to do something and showing strategies how to work out difficult parts and problem solve. Shared learning involves lots of discussion, reasoning (because) and explaining thinking and problem solving with students. Independent learning may involve writing, completing a task and sometimes a worksheet.
In Digital Technologies this term, we have learnt how to show our learning using a digital platform and making a web-based learning journal using an app called Seesaw Class. Our students are familiar with using the app as a way of showing and recording their learning. Seesaw have recently released log-in codes during the world-wide shut downs so that students at home can complete some learning tasks, share it with their teachers and continue to keep web-based journals and folders of their learning. We encourage you to download the app (make sure it is Seesaw Class not Seesaw Family) onto an i-pad, tablet or computer if you would like your child to share some of their home learning with us.
I also investigated a way to share another resource used at school at times called Study Ladder. This learning platform has also released free home learning (you do not need to sign up for premium) as another way for your child to continue learning about our focus concepts from home. We have set up each child with an account for Study Ladder as well but please note that this is not an app and will need to be accessed through Safari if you are using an ipad or tablet but it can be easily bookmarked onto Safari for easy access.
If your child is isolation and you have contacted the school, you will also receive a second email with an attached photograph with details of your child's home learning logins so that you can zoom in on the photo to see each of the log in codes and user names. If your child was at school on Friday 20th March, a copy of their home learning logins were sent home in their homework folder.
Please click on the link below to access the home learning grid and see the videos below which help support your child in completing their spelling activities (featuring some new you tube stars aka your Year 1 and 2 teachers).
Please find below three spelling video examples (starring some very famous Yr 1 and 2 teachers!)
Sound Circle spelling activity
Full Circle spelling activity
Sound boxes spelling activity
Homework is due this Friday 27th of March. Could you please ensure your child brings their R.E.D reading file AND homework book inside their homework folder so that we are able to glue in next fortnights homework tasks.
We have had an exciting week learning all about skip counting. We have been learning to count a group of objects and count out loud in 2s, 5s and 10s up to 100. Some clever cookies in our class have even worked out how to count in 10's from an odd number eg. 21, 32, 41, 51, 61 etc. . Year 2 students have learned how to skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10 starting from any number within 100 and counting on into three-digit numbers. Year 2 students have also learnt how to identify which skip counting or addition/subtraction rule is in a number sequence and solved missing numbers in both ascending/numbers getting biggers and descending/numbers getting smaller number patterns. This week we are moving onto the Mathematics strand of measurement and focusing on the concept of length. Year 1 students are learning how to compare the lengths of different objects using unform (the same) informal units and Year 2 students are starting to learn about formal units used in our world such as centimetres and metres to help us measure, record and compare different object lengths.
We have had an exciting week learning all about skip counting. We have been learning to count a group of objects and count out loud in 2s, 5s and 10s up to 100. Some clever cookies in our class have even worked out how to count in 10's from an odd number eg. 21, 32, 41, 51, 61 etc. . Year 2 students have learned how to skip count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10 starting from any number within 100 and counting on into three-digit numbers. Year 2 students have also learnt how to identify which skip counting or addition/subtraction rule is in a number sequence and solved missing numbers in both ascending/numbers getting biggers and descending/numbers getting smaller number patterns. This week we are moving onto the Mathematics strand of measurement and focusing on the concept of length. Year 1 students are learning how to compare the lengths of different objects using unform (the same) informal units and Year 2 students are starting to learn about formal units used in our world such as centimetres and metres to help us measure, record and compare different object lengths.
In English we are directing our focus onto narrative stories in both reading and writing. Within a Narrative there are five parts we are trying to create (in our writing) and identify (in our reading) These include:

We are learning to identify orientations in stories we read, noticing how the author introduces and describes the characters and settings. We are also learning to identify the build-up which is where the author leads up into a problem. Often in the build-up there is a little hint of the problem to keep the reader interested. Then there is the problem. Then the resolution where the problem is solved. Finally the story ends with an ending. Year 2 students are also learning about an additional part of a narrative called the climax which is the most interesting/exciting part of the story between the problem and resolution.
We call this sequence a 'story mountain' and are using this sequence to write our own narratives. This week we will be writing our own adventure story by innovating on our class mentor text called 'Sally and Fred's Adventure'.

We are learning to identify orientations in stories we read, noticing how the author introduces and describes the characters and settings. We are also learning to identify the build-up which is where the author leads up into a problem. Often in the build-up there is a little hint of the problem to keep the reader interested. Then there is the problem. Then the resolution where the problem is solved. Finally the story ends with an ending. Year 2 students are also learning about an additional part of a narrative called the climax which is the most interesting/exciting part of the story between the problem and resolution.
We call this sequence a 'story mountain' and are using this sequence to write our own narratives. This week we will be writing our own adventure story by innovating on our class mentor text called 'Sally and Fred's Adventure'.
Please if you have any old magazines at home that you no longer need, it would be greatly appreciated if you could donate them to the Year 1 and 2 classrooms.
Phew, I think that is everything!
Enjoy your week and thank you for your ongoing support,
Penny and Gemma
Phew, I think that is everything!
Enjoy your week and thank you for your ongoing support,
Penny and Gemma