Week 7 Term 1
Hello Parents,
We have been so busy learning in 2K this term!
We are enjoying learning about the integrated science topic of life cycles and geography unit of mapping this term. The 2K students have been so interested in these topics and it is great to see such inquisitive and engaged learners wanting to know more about our amazing world. Some animals and plants undergo amazing transformations as they grow and change. We have also focused on line, colour, shape and symmetry in art and have created some absolutely gorgeous self portraits and unique ink blot prints of butterflies, inspired by Andy Warhol's art print "Happy Butterfly Day". The kids really loved using the chalk pastels and developing their wet/dry colouring techniques and of course the messy but fun blending too, to create harmonious analogous colours for their butterfly!
We have focused on place value of number at the start of this term and last week completed our study of number sequences and growing number patterns that increase and decrease. We applied our knowledge of skip counting to use addition and subtraction to solve missing parts of number sequences and continue patterns. We have begun a new focus this week on reading and using calendars, ordering months and seasons of the year. You may notice some personalised March calendars appearing all around our classroom! Please encourage your child to add any family events to their calendar such as birthdays, visitors or special activities for March.

In English we have completed our writing focus on recount texts and have begun to explore informational report texts. We will be reading and writing lots of informational texts and investigating the differences of facts, opinions and fictional statements. We will be learning about the structure and key features of an informational text. If your child's home reading book is a non-fiction text, please spend a couple of extra minutes looking at the way the author has organised their facts so that it is easy for the reader to understand and find certain information.
Our CAFE reading strategies board has begun to fill as Mrs King and Mrs Hunt have modelled and taught some of the strategies. CAFE is an acronym for the parts of a reader C for comprehension (I understand what I read), A for accuracy (I can read the words), F for fluency (I can read the with accurately, with expression and I understand the words that I read) and E for expanding vocabulary (I know, find and use interesting words). All four elements are needed to be a good reader. We now all have our own CAFE strategy to work on on our own and in our small reading groups for the next to help us become even better readers.

Last Supper Liturgy
On Tuesday the 27th of March at 9am, the children in Year 1S and 2K will be performing a short Liturgy focused around the Holy Week event of Holy Thursday: Jesus' Washing of the Feet and Last Supper. We will be organising and rehearsing acting parts and reading parts over the next few days in which some of your children may receive readings to practise. This will only be a short 15-20 minute Liturgy and will require minimal costuming (if there is any). Please keep and eye on the blog in the coming week for more information.

Please also note that our original date noted in the Parent Information Booklet for the 2K annual performance assembly for Friday 23 March has been moved to late Term 2 due to clashes with other school events on that week.
Parent Meetings
Our Term 1 formal parent meetings for 2K will be in the afternoons and evenings of Wednesday and Thursday of Week 9. However, I am more than happy to meet earlier than this date if it is more convenient and you wish to discuss or review any part of your child's learning so far in Year 2. Please feel free to contact me via email or let me know after school if you would like to meet. The Term 1 Parent Meetings roster will be available next week outside the door. If you wish to meet and have a preferred approximate time (around 10min blocks) and are not able to come into the classroom to add your name, please email me over the next few days so I can add your name into the schedule beforehand.
Thank you so much for your continued support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny King and Kristy Hunt
We have been so busy learning in 2K this term!
We are enjoying learning about the integrated science topic of life cycles and geography unit of mapping this term. The 2K students have been so interested in these topics and it is great to see such inquisitive and engaged learners wanting to know more about our amazing world. Some animals and plants undergo amazing transformations as they grow and change. We have also focused on line, colour, shape and symmetry in art and have created some absolutely gorgeous self portraits and unique ink blot prints of butterflies, inspired by Andy Warhol's art print "Happy Butterfly Day". The kids really loved using the chalk pastels and developing their wet/dry colouring techniques and of course the messy but fun blending too, to create harmonious analogous colours for their butterfly!
We have focused on place value of number at the start of this term and last week completed our study of number sequences and growing number patterns that increase and decrease. We applied our knowledge of skip counting to use addition and subtraction to solve missing parts of number sequences and continue patterns. We have begun a new focus this week on reading and using calendars, ordering months and seasons of the year. You may notice some personalised March calendars appearing all around our classroom! Please encourage your child to add any family events to their calendar such as birthdays, visitors or special activities for March.

In English we have completed our writing focus on recount texts and have begun to explore informational report texts. We will be reading and writing lots of informational texts and investigating the differences of facts, opinions and fictional statements. We will be learning about the structure and key features of an informational text. If your child's home reading book is a non-fiction text, please spend a couple of extra minutes looking at the way the author has organised their facts so that it is easy for the reader to understand and find certain information.
Our CAFE reading strategies board has begun to fill as Mrs King and Mrs Hunt have modelled and taught some of the strategies. CAFE is an acronym for the parts of a reader C for comprehension (I understand what I read), A for accuracy (I can read the words), F for fluency (I can read the with accurately, with expression and I understand the words that I read) and E for expanding vocabulary (I know, find and use interesting words). All four elements are needed to be a good reader. We now all have our own CAFE strategy to work on on our own and in our small reading groups for the next to help us become even better readers.

Parent Help
Some people have expressed interest in helping out in the classroom. Now that Reading and Maths groups are organised and running smoothly, an extra set of hands is always welcomed. You would be required to sit with a group complete an activity together, nothing too challenging! The sessions are proposed: Monday 10-11 (reading/writing), Wednesday 9.30-10.30 (Maths), Thursday 9.30-10.20 (maths) and possibly a few more.... I know that these times are not great as they are not alongside pickup or drop off times but just once a term would be greatly appreciated by ourselves and your children. I am also hoping a couple of parents would be able to help out every so often with science, art or design projects happening on Thursday and Friday afternoons. These alternate so I will put out a request for these via the blog and noted on the roster as they arise. I will put our a roster by the end of the week next to the communication book just inside the classroom and if you are able to help in any way it would be greatly appreciated.
Some people have expressed interest in helping out in the classroom. Now that Reading and Maths groups are organised and running smoothly, an extra set of hands is always welcomed. You would be required to sit with a group complete an activity together, nothing too challenging! The sessions are proposed: Monday 10-11 (reading/writing), Wednesday 9.30-10.30 (Maths), Thursday 9.30-10.20 (maths) and possibly a few more.... I know that these times are not great as they are not alongside pickup or drop off times but just once a term would be greatly appreciated by ourselves and your children. I am also hoping a couple of parents would be able to help out every so often with science, art or design projects happening on Thursday and Friday afternoons. These alternate so I will put out a request for these via the blog and noted on the roster as they arise. I will put our a roster by the end of the week next to the communication book just inside the classroom and if you are able to help in any way it would be greatly appreciated.
Last Supper Liturgy
On Tuesday the 27th of March at 9am, the children in Year 1S and 2K will be performing a short Liturgy focused around the Holy Week event of Holy Thursday: Jesus' Washing of the Feet and Last Supper. We will be organising and rehearsing acting parts and reading parts over the next few days in which some of your children may receive readings to practise. This will only be a short 15-20 minute Liturgy and will require minimal costuming (if there is any). Please keep and eye on the blog in the coming week for more information.

Please also note that our original date noted in the Parent Information Booklet for the 2K annual performance assembly for Friday 23 March has been moved to late Term 2 due to clashes with other school events on that week.
Parent Meetings
Our Term 1 formal parent meetings for 2K will be in the afternoons and evenings of Wednesday and Thursday of Week 9. However, I am more than happy to meet earlier than this date if it is more convenient and you wish to discuss or review any part of your child's learning so far in Year 2. Please feel free to contact me via email or let me know after school if you would like to meet. The Term 1 Parent Meetings roster will be available next week outside the door. If you wish to meet and have a preferred approximate time (around 10min blocks) and are not able to come into the classroom to add your name, please email me over the next few days so I can add your name into the schedule beforehand.
Thank you so much for your continued support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny King and Kristy Hunt