Week 9 Term 1

Welcome to Week 9 which is Holy Week. This is a very important time of the year in the Catholic faith as we remember and celebrate the events leading up to Jesus' death and resurrection.

Holy Week Reflections - Each morning the whole school will be gathering together to reflect on the events of this important week. We will have a small and reverent reflection presented by each class in the hall every morning beginning at 9am.  On Tuesday 2K and 1S students will be performing their liturgy for Holy Thursday - washing of the feet and the Last Supper.  Please read the previous blog entry or the parent note sent home with your child last fortnight for details about costumes.  They are to wear this over the top of their school uniform and are to come to school dressed and ready to go on Tuesday morning.

Parent Teacher Interviews - We have moved the Parent Interviews schedule up on the pin-up board outside our classroom door for Parent Interviews running this week.  If you are not able to add your name, please email me with a suitable day and time.  We have scheduled early morning and also late appointments on Wednesday evening for those parents with work or child care commitments.  If you have met with me recently and would prefer to wait until midway through next term for a follow-up meeting, I am also happy to arrange this option.  We have also added a parent roster for the final weeks of the term inside the classroom next to the communication book.  

Easter Egg Raffle - Please bring in your donation by Tuesday for the raffle which will be held on Thursday. Your child was given their raffle tickets on Friday afternoon. Please see me if you would like more.  If you would like to be in the raffle, please return one half of the tickets with your family name clearly written on each ticket and $5.  This year we are having prizes drawn for each year group in addition to the school draw- see the newsletter for more details.  
Week 8 and 9 Learning - Mathematics focus: How many days are in each month? Months in each season.  Reading calendar days and dates.  English focus: Reading comprehension of information report texts and explanation texts. Writing an information report. Identifying and highlighting key words in a sentence.  HASS focus: Birds eye view maps. Science focus: Animal life cycles.  Religion focus: Lent, story of Easter/Holy Week

Homework - Please note that due to the shorter weeks for this and next week due to Easter break, homework requirements will be slightly different.  Students will have the same PLD phonic spelling lists for the next fortnight and will only be required to complete Unit 9 of their Think Mentals this week - no Think Mentals homework for next week.  We also suggest that those students still participating in the sight word program (your child will have sight words in their homework folder) also practise spelling their unknown sight words by adding them to their blue Look, Say, Cover, Write check pad each night as they complete their PLD spelling words.  
We suggest students can also utilise their Mathletics accounts over the Easter break for additional maths practise - both set assigned tasks and online live mental maths.  We also recommend students have the additional option to read their online Reading Eggspress library books (click on the library option on the first sign in page to Reading Eggspress - this is the same log in and password as Reading Eggs)  to continue developing their decoding and comprehension reading skills.  Please also note that you can change the option of book difficulty in their Reading Eggspress library by changing the tabs from Lexiles to Reading Age.  Please come and see me if you would like more details on using either of these programs more at home.  

Thank you for your continued support and assistance.
Kind regards and God Bless,
Penny and Kristy

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