Week 7 Term 2

Good evening parents,

Week 7 is coming towards a close...! We are almost back to normality with parents now being allowed into the school grounds! Yay!  While you are not yet able to come into the classroom please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or anything you would like us to know about.  I will try to take a few more photos of our class displayed work tomorrow for next week's blog to share some of the amazing work we have been doing in the 1/2K team now that we are all back together.  We are so proud of how well the students have come back ready to learn and focused on their learning goals. We are also proud of the way the children have come into school and settled themselves in in the mornings, it has been an absolute credit to you all. They blow me away everyday with their growing independence and this has definitely taken a step up!

Here is some photos of our busy paper glyph sculptures - this is our introduction to computer coding and combines design technology skills.  Last week we were also learning about 3D shapes in maths and had a go a constructing some of our own.

Homework was sent home on Monday and glued in to everyone's book who brought it in on the  Friday before. If you haven't got a copy of the homework please let me know.  From this week and for the remainder of the year you will also see a spelling list that is the same  list that is used in our differentiated spelling groups each day.  This fortnight's focus sound is 'or'.  It can be represented by the graphemes or/ore/a/au/aw/ in addition to some other rarer graphemes. We have been encouraging the children to keep an eye out in their reading books for other words that contain the 'or' phoneme sound.  We encourage you to read the words out each night to your child (in different order) and get them to spell them on a scrap piece of paper- we also ask them to try doing it by it using sound circles or sound lines first which means sounding the word out loud before they write each of the sounds in the words as this mirrors how we learn our spelling words at school.  An example of this can be seen from an online learning video we shared last term to see how we complete sound circles or sound lines as a spelling method. We ask that you continue to listen to your child read aloud for 10 minutes each night and practise reading the fluency grid as fast as they can.  We suggest timing your child each night to see if they can beat their personal time.  You will notice that these words contain the same spelling focus sound each fortnight and that these combined with your child's spelling list contain common high-frequency words and words that are regularly found in English reading books and used in children's writing, previously referred to as 'sight words'.   This set of homework will be due on Friday of Week 8 (19th of June).

Merit Awards
This week we had two amazing award winners - Campbell and Phoenix.  Campbell has shown perseverance when faced with some challenging work and has even had a go this week at solving some tricky Year 2 coin collection amount problems.  Phoenix has been working on his writing skills and can now be known as a great information report author who remembers to include varied sentence starters, adjectives and conjunctions to make his sentences interesting for his readers.  Well done, boys!

Cross Country
Each morning we have started practising for cross country that is scheduled for two weeks time so daily fitness has had an extra element added to it.  The year 2 students have to do a return trip around the 'big tree' and back around the oval to the starting point.  I have even seen a few students getting in a bit of extra practise time at recess and lunch breaks.

OLC had big numbers of students away on Monday with varied sicknesses.  We ask that you continue to keep your child at home if they are unwell as it helps prevent the spread throughout the class and school. 

Please feel free to email us or send in notes with your child if you would like us to know anything at all.  The pick-up lane and end of day procedures are working well but please feel free to email me or ring the school if something changes from the usual norm.

Thank you so much for your continued support and assistance,
Penny and Gemma

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