
Showing posts from 2019

Term 4 Week 9

Good afternoon parents, So here it is... the final blog post of the year with all the important information about the upcoming events this week. It has been such a wonderful year watching each and every one of the kids grow and overcome challenges they have faced throughout the year. I have really enjoyed teaching and getting to know your children. They are all unique and special in their own way. Thank you for your support throughout the year to ensure your child's learning could happen. See below for the important reminders. WEEK 9 REMINDERS: End of Year Christmas Concert   - is on tomorrow night Tuesday beginning at 5.30pm. If you can please have your child at school by 5.15pm dressed in Christmas colours...seats will be at a premium so factor that in to your plans! Colour Run  - this will take place on Friday 13th December. This a free dress and we ask that you send in an  extra white t-shirt  for your child to change into.  Reports  - thes...

Week 6 Term 4

I can't believe it is Week 6 already. Where has the time gone? Just a few reminders for upcoming events... VINNIES CHRISTMAS HAMPER APPEAL PLEASE HELP! Each year at OLC, we take time to be thankful for our blessings and to assist those local people in need by contributing to Christmas Hampers distributed by the St. Vincent De Paul Society. There are boxes in our classroom for your donations. Each year level is to donate particular things. PP, Yrs 1& 2: Tinned food, pasta, rice, biscuits, crackers, sauces, jams, condiments, (basically any non-perishable good food, which can be used beyond Christmas). FIRE DRILL 26TH NOVEMBER 2:30PM This drill is for all students, parents and staff at OLC We ask that all parents collect, or organise to have their children collected by another parent/adult/guardian,  from their child's classroom , once you receive a Bush Fire Emergency SMS from the school at approximately 2:20pm. Please do not collect your children prior to receiving the ...

Excursion Information

Please find below the information about our upcoming excursion. This information, along with a permission slip will be sent home with your child today. Please return as soon as possible.  Year 2 Excursion - Busselton Jetty This term in HASS we have been learning about significant people and places in the local community. We have focused on the significance of Grace Bussell and the SS Georgette shipwreck at Redgate Beach.  The Year Two students will be visiting Busselton Jetty. Here the children will investigate and examine significant local artefacts. They will become familiar with the importance of Busselton Jetty and its history. They will be guided through an engaging presentation which tells the history. Both Year Two classes will be travelling to Busselton Jetty on Tuesday the 12th of November at 8:45am and returning to school at approximately 2:00pm.    Please ensure you are at school by 8:30 on Tuesday as we are on a tight schedule. We require one...

Term 4 Week 4

Good morning everyone and welcome to week 4. I can’t believe that it is nearly week 5 already!! Time truly does fly when you are having fun. Just a few messages  :) Water bottles: As the weather gets warmer it is even more important to stay hydrated. Could you please make sure that your child has a water bottle and that it is bought into school. This is to help curve the disruption caused by people constantly wanting to leave the classroom during explicit learning time. Mental Maths and Sight words: Please ensure your child is bringing their green spelling folder to school each day. We use them each day to practice our list words and sight words. Every Friday they are tested on these words and I am then able to give them new sight words to put straight into their green folders.  We are currently on unit 31 of out Mental Maths unit. Thank you to all the parents who are giving their children instant feedback and writing in their books if their child finds a pa...

Week 2 Term 4

Welcome to Week Two! I hope you all had a wonderful two-week break with your beautiful children, what wonderful stories they have brought back to the class of their time with family and friends. We were so happy to see how much they have grown in such a short time. The students in 2K have been working very hard this week, below you will find a brief snapshot of what their week has involved. As you may have seen at kiss and drop in the class, we have a class guest, Miss (Anita) Hurst. Miss Hurst is a practicum student from ECU, who has been with us on Wednesdays last term and now will be joining us for a block of five weeks. Miss Hurst is in the first year of her Masters of Primary Teaching.    She will be teaching some of the lessons for Kristy and myself, we will be providing feedback and then a supervisor from the university will come to visit on two separate occasions to provide a grading for the university. A brief introduction to Miss Hurst: she is originall...

Welcome back to Term 4

Welcome back to another busy term in Year 2...I absolutely can't believe it is our last term together! I have loved watching our little loves develop and mature as the year has progressed and I am so very proud of all of their hard work. I will be sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the year for sure! Just a few things for this term... HOMEWORK Targeting Mental Maths:  We will continue to complete one unit per week this term, however if your child is a keen Mathematician they are able to pop onto Mathletics using their login.  Reading:  We will continue to send readers home every day for nightly reading this term. Please encourage your child to fill out their  RED  reading folder each morning in gathering time.  Sight Words:  The children will be tested early on in the term and we will be sending home personal sight word lists from their writing, throughout Term 4.  CHANGE TIME TO ASSEMBLY TERM 4 Just a reminder that we are...

Term 3 Week 10

Good morning parents, We can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Those very exciting holidays are fast approaching and boy oh boy we are ready for them.  It has been a busy term! Over the past week, whilst preparing for tonight's open classroom, we have realised that the student's have worked incredibly hard to learn many new concepts and produce high quality pieces of work. We are so very proud of them and can understand their need for a break!  REMINDERS - WEEK 10 Open Classroom  -  Tonight is your chance to come and check out the work your child has been doing throughout the year. It starts in the hall at 5pm, where Mr Lee will welcome us and some students will carryout a short musical performance. Classrooms will then be open from 5.15-6pm for you share in celebrating your child's achievements. Please remember that this is a special time to spend with your child to discuss what they have enjoyed learning. Athletics Carnival  - Please not...

Week 9 - Science Presentation Information

Operation Shoe Box Please bring in your $2.50 and gift donation as soon as possible, as we will be putting together the shoe boxes at the end of this week. Please see previous blog post for more information.  Science Oral Presentation Today your child will be bringing home some information on their upcoming oral presentation. Below is a copy of the note that will be sent home today for your reference.  Your child will be presenting on either  Wednesday 25 th  or Thursday 26 th  September (no longer Tuesday 24th due to carnival date change).  Science Procedure Oral Presentation         This term in chemical science we have been learning about materials and combining them to make mixtures.  In English we are also reviewing procedural texts and so in keeping with this and instead of  newstelling , students can prepare for an  optional   poster  and oral presentation  as their homework fo...