
Showing posts from June, 2020

Week 10 Term 2

Good afternoon parents, I hope you have had a great weekend break.  We have continued to be busy little bees in the 1/2K team! Just a few reminders as we head towards the last week of school for the term. Homework Homework has been glued into your child's homework if they brought their book in previous Friday and the two week cycle will be due on the last day of Term. We will continue with this system next term.  If you would like to bring it in earlier if you are taking an early holiday break, please feel free to do so. We will continue to be focusing on the 'er' sound in spelling and phonics and looking at the common graphemes we use in English to spell these sounds - er, ir and ur (and this week we learnt that sometimes we use the letters 'or' when next to a w like in work and word to show the 'er' sound).  We would really appreciate if you continue to read out the list out loud to your child (in varying order) and have them practise writing their...

Week 9 Term 2

Good afternoon parents, I hope you had a lovely weekend in the sunshine and have made the most of the sunny weather before the downfall of rain begins! Just a few messages for this week... Homework Homework has been glued into your child's homework if they brought their book in and will be due on the last day of Term  (Friday 3rd July) . If you would like to bring it in earlier, please feel free to do so. We understand that the children are getting tired towards the end of the term but we feel that a good routine needs to be maintained to benefit your child's learning journey. We would really appreciate if you could do the top three grey boxes which includes: Reading 10-15 aloud each night Spelling: Children using their sound out fist to identify how many sounds are in each word. We are learning the ir/ur/er sound over the next two weeks.  Fluency grid: Read the words as fast as they can and tick each word they get correct and dot the words they need more pra...

Week 8 Term 2

Good afternoon parents, I cant believe we are just about through Week 8 already. Only 12 (school) days to go... Woo hoo! Cross Country On Wednesday of Week 10 (the 1st of July) we have our annual our cross country carnival. We ask that your child come to school in their coloured faction shirt ready for the day. The Year One students will be running first at 9.15am, and the next race about fifteen minutes later will be the Year 2 students with the whole school cross country carnival will be finished by recess time. Times will also depend on weather conditions.  We would love to have you down to watch up run! If it is predicted stormy weather please feel free to send to school spare shoes/socks/shirts.  Please refer to the SEQTA message and following newsletter for more information about where to park and spectate. Homework  Homework (including the homework book) is  due this Friday the 19th of June . If you could please ensure your child brings this with them on...

Week 7 Term 2

Good evening parents, Week 7 is coming towards a close...! We are almost back to normality with parents now being allowed into the school grounds! Yay!  While you are not yet able to come into the classroom please feel free to email me with any questions you may have or anything you would like us to know about.  I will try to take a few more photos of our class displayed work tomorrow for next week's blog to share some of the amazing work we have been doing in the 1/2K team now that we are all back together.  We are so proud of how well the students have come back ready to learn and focused on their learning goals. We are also proud of the way the children have come into school and settled themselves in in the mornings, it has been an absolute credit to you all. They blow me away everyday with their growing independence and this has definitely taken a step up! Here is some photos of our busy paper glyph sculptures - this is our introduction to computer coding and comb...

Week 6 Term 2

Good evening parents, I hope you had a lovely long weekend and managed to stay safe (away from the crowds in town!). Just a few messages for this week: Homework Homework (including the homework book) is  due tomorrow Friday the 5th of June . If you could please ensure your child brings this with them on Friday this week as it makes gluing in the next fortnight's set easier. We ask that you focus on the daily/nightly tasks on the top line if you have lots of commitments and limited time to complete all of the grid.  This week we are introducing their spelling words as a task and ask that you read out the words and encourage your child to practise writing their words on some scrap paper in varied order most nights.  These spelling words are our focus phonic sound in class and are studied for a fortnight at a time. Star Citizen and Merit Awards Congratulations to our Star Citizen Award winner for Appreciation - Rooney!!!!! Pick up and Drop Off Next week will...