Week 8 Term 2

Good afternoon parents,

I cant believe we are just about through Week 8 already. Only 12 (school) days to go... Woo hoo!

Cross Country

On Wednesday of Week 10 (the 1st of July) we have our annual our cross country carnival. We ask that your child come to school in their coloured faction shirt ready for the day. The Year One students will be running first at 9.15am, and the next race about fifteen minutes later will be the Year 2 students with the whole school cross country carnival will be finished by recess time. Times will also depend on weather conditions.  We would love to have you down to watch up run! If it is predicted stormy weather please feel free to send to school spare shoes/socks/shirts.  Please refer to the SEQTA message and following newsletter for more information about where to park and spectate.

Homework (including the homework book) is due this Friday the 19th of June. If you could please ensure your child brings this with them on Friday this week so I can see how they have been going with work completed at home and this allows me time to set up over the weekend for the following fortnight.  Please sign on the line and colour the boxes to show your child has completed the tasks. 

The last two week's focus spelling sound will be the phoneme of 'ir'  - this can be spelled with various graphemes including 'er', 'ir'  and 'ur'.  We will continue to send home the spelling list with focus sounds to practise for the fortnight.  The spelling phoneme sound and high frequency 'sight' words for your child to practise each night will remain the same over both weeks - this lines up with our Year 1 and 2 spelling groups that focus on the same sounds and words over the two-week cycle.  We encourage you to continue reading these spelling list words out loud in varied order for your child to practise spelling on some scrap paper every night.  Please see my previous blog post if you have any questions about the sound circle/sound lines method we use at school to encourage spelling mastery and attainment.


Congratulations to James and Luca who were this week's merit award winners presented by Mr Lee!  James, we are so proud of the way you are focusing hard and trying your best to learn new things - we have dubbed you the 'money man' for the week as we learnt about Australian coins and skip counting with them.  Luca, your effort to improve your writing and focus on increasing your writing skills is so impressive.  We are both so proud of how you have really focused to create some amazing information reports and share your opinion and thoughts in your persuasive paragraphs. Well done, boys!

Pleae feel free to continue to contact us via email if you want to let us know anything at all or have any questions.  If you would like to organise a parent meeting over the next two weeks, please contact us via email.

We appreciate you continuing to keep your child at home if they are feeling unwell to help stop the spread of germs and colds.  If you are planning on escaping early to some nice warm weather at the end of this term or next term, please visit the lovely Fran in the office to fill out an extended leave form.

Thank you for your continued support and assistance,
Penny and Gemma

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