Week 6 Term 2
Good evening parents,
I hope you had a lovely long weekend and managed to stay safe (away from the crowds in town!).
Just a few messages for this week:
Homework (including the homework book) is due tomorrow Friday the 5th of June. If you could please ensure your child brings this with them on Friday this week as it makes gluing in the next fortnight's set easier. We ask that you focus on the daily/nightly tasks on the top line if you have lots of commitments and limited time to complete all of the grid. This week we are introducing their spelling words as a task and ask that you read out the words and encourage your child to practise writing their words on some scrap paper in varied order most nights. These spelling words are our focus phonic sound in class and are studied for a fortnight at a time.
Star Citizen and Merit Awards
Congratulations to our Star Citizen Award winner for Appreciation - Rooney!!!!!
Pick up and Drop Off
Next week will be the beginning of the Phase 3 restrictions lifted and parents will be allowed back into school groups however they will continue to not be able to enter classrooms. Mr Lee has sent home an email today with details regarding this. School will continue to start with open doors at 8.30 (with time to swap home readers and set up) and we often leave at 8.40 on the bell for morning fitness, and we are currently learning athletics carnival team games and practising for cross country so please make sure your child is here by 8.40am so that they can start the day organised and ready.
Parents are asked to continue the Kiss and Drop routine from the classroom door and not to enter classrooms and in reference to where our classroom is situated with the tight corridor near the bags, please reduce the amount of adults standing here and encourage you to continue to drop off and wait for pick up outside the gated area either in the main courtyard or in the PP playground.
The chance to experience Gathering Time without parent presence has taught us that the children are way more likely to act in independent and organised ways. We have been so impressed with the way children are putting in their own lunch orders, putting their water bottles all by and crunch and sip from bags onto desks. They have shown to us how well they can organise themselves and pack/unpack own belongings that we want to keep this up. The noise level is also much better and we have noticed significant reduced anxiety issues in the mornings. We believe this is normal practice in most schools and want to continue the calm start to the mornings.
The drop-off pick up land before school will continue to be free to use. The after school pick up lanes will also continue with supervision provided with the same processes currently in place to feel free to continue using this as it working efficiently. If you would like to use the pick-up lane/bus on a consistent day/s each week, feel free to email me and I can put it in the communication for extended time. We will provide a communication book outside the class for any last minute or any out of the ordinary end of school movements - or feel free to continue to send a note with your child with any information.
Library Books and PLD bags
PLD Bags are due in on a Tuesday and if forgotten you will receive a text from Mrs Kemp in the library. Library Day is Friday and children must have their own library bag in order to take a book home.
Please feel free to continue to email us if you have any questions or want to let us know of anything.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Penny and Gemma
I hope you had a lovely long weekend and managed to stay safe (away from the crowds in town!).
Just a few messages for this week:
Homework (including the homework book) is due tomorrow Friday the 5th of June. If you could please ensure your child brings this with them on Friday this week as it makes gluing in the next fortnight's set easier. We ask that you focus on the daily/nightly tasks on the top line if you have lots of commitments and limited time to complete all of the grid. This week we are introducing their spelling words as a task and ask that you read out the words and encourage your child to practise writing their words on some scrap paper in varied order most nights. These spelling words are our focus phonic sound in class and are studied for a fortnight at a time.
Star Citizen and Merit Awards
Congratulations to our Star Citizen Award winner for Appreciation - Rooney!!!!!
Next week will be the beginning of the Phase 3 restrictions lifted and parents will be allowed back into school groups however they will continue to not be able to enter classrooms. Mr Lee has sent home an email today with details regarding this. School will continue to start with open doors at 8.30 (with time to swap home readers and set up) and we often leave at 8.40 on the bell for morning fitness, and we are currently learning athletics carnival team games and practising for cross country so please make sure your child is here by 8.40am so that they can start the day organised and ready.
Parents are asked to continue the Kiss and Drop routine from the classroom door and not to enter classrooms and in reference to where our classroom is situated with the tight corridor near the bags, please reduce the amount of adults standing here and encourage you to continue to drop off and wait for pick up outside the gated area either in the main courtyard or in the PP playground.
The chance to experience Gathering Time without parent presence has taught us that the children are way more likely to act in independent and organised ways. We have been so impressed with the way children are putting in their own lunch orders, putting their water bottles all by and crunch and sip from bags onto desks. They have shown to us how well they can organise themselves and pack/unpack own belongings that we want to keep this up. The noise level is also much better and we have noticed significant reduced anxiety issues in the mornings. We believe this is normal practice in most schools and want to continue the calm start to the mornings.
The drop-off pick up land before school will continue to be free to use. The after school pick up lanes will also continue with supervision provided with the same processes currently in place to feel free to continue using this as it working efficiently. If you would like to use the pick-up lane/bus on a consistent day/s each week, feel free to email me and I can put it in the communication for extended time. We will provide a communication book outside the class for any last minute or any out of the ordinary end of school movements - or feel free to continue to send a note with your child with any information.
Library Books and PLD bags
PLD Bags are due in on a Tuesday and if forgotten you will receive a text from Mrs Kemp in the library. Library Day is Friday and children must have their own library bag in order to take a book home.
Please feel free to continue to email us if you have any questions or want to let us know of anything.
Thank you for your ongoing support,
Penny and Gemma